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Common Good a Big Subject in Oakland Schools Strike

Daria Marcantonio Kieffer and Micaela Morse Labor Notes
Eighty-eight percent of teachers had voted to strike, after it became clear that our demands were not being taken seriously at the negotiating table. “Teachers feel disrespected and fed up.” said Sarah Wheels, a fifth-grade teacher.

This Week in People’s History, May 30 . . .

In a non-union textile mill, a union organizer leads workers in a protest.
Union organizer fired for insubordination. In 1779, no peace for Native Americans. Sojourner Truth takes her new name. Child labor on the rise. "No nukes" on Long Island. Boston says NO! to slave-catchers. Anti-slavery novel is a best-seller.

As Deals Go, This Is One of Them

David Dayen The American Prospect
The slings and arrows in this agreement result from the failure to solve the debt ceiling in 2022 when Democrats controlled the government. It generally makes things a little bit worse. That this is seen as progress is a sad commentary on Washington.

The First Decoration Day

David W. Blight Zinn Education Project
A precursor to Memorial Day occurred in 1865 when thousands of freed slaves marched in Charleston, South Carolina to declare their sense of the meaning of the Civil War, that it was about their emancipation over a slaveholders' republic.