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Clarence Thomas' Secret Life of Luxury

ProPublica reporter Joshua Kaplan and Editor-in-Chief Steve Engelberg discuss how the bombshell report came together and what it means for our justice system.

Friday Nite Videos | April 14, 2023

Clarence Thomas' Secret Life of Luxury. Teach Your Children | Playing For Change. Tennessee Republicans Met With Devastating Response. What Is Working-Class Environmentalism? How Solar Energy Got So Cheap.

Can Labor Seize Its ‘Movement Moment’?

Rand Wilson and Peter Olney Stansbury Forum
If we agree that a revived labor movement—and more worker organizing—is essential to combat the far right or tackle economic inequality, then we can’t wait for union treasuries to open. It’s imperative to unite as much of the labor movement as possible with a broader Left to defend our entire democracy.

Doctors in Britain Go on Four-Day Strike

Sachin Ravikumar Reuters
Junior doctors in Britain began a four-day strike over pay on Tuesday that is likely to cause unprecedented disruption to the state-funded National Health Service (NHS), prompting the government to warn of a risk to patient safety.

Six Ways Existing Economic Models Are Killing the Economy

Nick Hanauer The American Prospect
Economic models do not, and never can, fully reflect the extraordinary complexity of human markets. The point is to create useful abstractions to provide decision-makers with a sense of the budgetary and economic impacts of a given policy proposal.