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Beyond Fatalism: Renewing Working-Class Politics

Sam Gindin Socialist Project: The Bullet
Working people never stopped fighting as neoliberalism was imposed. Bouts of resistance kept resurfacing, but remained localized and politically narrow. In the absence of structures that could give workers confidence in collective struggles, workers were left with survival tactics that came at great cost and unintentionally reproduced neoliberalism’s individualist ethos.

The Class Struggle With Tommy and Gina

Eric Dirnbach Eric Dirnbach
Bon Jovi’s hit “Livin’ on a Prayer” is an anthem about working class survival. But it also contains a deeper message about class struggle.

How Cigna Saves Millions

Patrick Rucker, Maya Miller and David Armstrong ProPublica
Its Doctors Reject Claims Without Reading Them

Jesus in America

H.C. Palmer
When the newly elected Governor of Oklahoma committed his state to Christian nationalism, the poet and war veteran H.C. Palmer raises some objections to such gestures.

LA Teachers Make Good Their Promise To Support Community Schools

Jeff Bryant Independent Media Institute
“We knew the community schools idea would better address what our students need.” Even though implementations are still in their early phases, the schools and the families who attend them are already seeing tangible benefits.

Reflections on My Time in Kyiv

Lachlan Hyatt The Indypendent
A skeptic of U.S. foreign policy struggles with how to be anti-imperialist and pro-Ukraine at the same time.

The Government Hasn’t Justified a TikTok Ban

Adam Schwartz and Davide Greene Electronic Frontier Foundation
We are troubled by growing demands for restrictions on TikTok. Before taking such a drastic step, the government must come forward with evidence of a real problem and a narrowly tailored solution. So far, the government hasn’t done so.