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After Floyd

Austin McCoy The Baffler
If you can’t rein in the police, you can’t save democracy

Morena Youth: A Pipeline to the Future

Meizhu Lui; Alejandro Torres Mexico Solidarity Bulletin
We must organize within Morena, and we must organize in the streets. Young people must be patient and persevere. We must fight all our lives to transform reality. With AMLO, hope returned to us. I’m ready.

Pre-Majority Unionism

Colette Perold and Eric Dirnbach Emergency Workplace Organizing
Models for Building a Union When There's No Clear Path to a Majority or a Contract

In Massachusetts, Unions Beat Billionaires

Paul Prescod Jacobin
Voters in Massachusetts just ratified the Fair Share Amendment, which taxes income above $1 million to fund public services. A broad coalition of labor and community groups took on billionaire money and won.