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How Oakland Tenants Forced Their Landlord To Turn Over the Keys

Mathilde Lind Gustavussen Jacobin
The city of Oakland’s longest rent strike has ended in victory for tenants. They didn’t just win necessary repairs or rent control; they decommodified their housing, getting profit-motivated landlords out of the picture altogether.

Karl Kautsky on Democracy and Republicanism

Rida Vaquas Prometheus
Karl Kautsky was once the world's leading Marxist theoretician, but his reputation dimmed after World War I. On the occasion of the publication of a newly translated volume of his writings, reviewer Vaquas offers a reassessment.

Israeli Raid on Seven Human Rights Groups Is Attack on Palestinian Civil Society

Marjorie Cohn Truthout
Most of the Palestinian human rights groups that were ransacked on August 18 have been in Israel’s crosshairs since last October, when Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz baselessly declared that Israel had designated six of those groups under its 2016 Counter Terrorism Law as “terrorist organizations”

Here’s Why an MLB Minor Leaguers Union Matters

Derek Saul Forbes
The movement follows years of speculation that minor leaguers could unionize to address long-standing accusations of the unfair treatment of players, including wages that frequently fall below the federal minimum and subpar living conditions.