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Theaters of War (2022): Movie

Does all of that military machinery on screen come with strings attached? Does the military actually get a crack at the script? This movie provides answers.

Diary of a Targeted Teacher: Resisting the Curriculum of Racist Violence

Willie Randall African American Policy Forum
Every mass murderer was a student at some point. Did they ever learn of a vision of an America where genuine racial justice takes hold and community overcomes division? Bans on teaching Critical Race Theory are destructive and delusional.

Elon Musk and Smell of BS

Edward Niedermeyer Slate
The Tesla CEO’s mythmaking often obscures an uglier truth. The public is finally reckoning with it.

Friday Nite Videos | June 3, 2022

Jordan Klepper Debunks the 'Good Guy With a Gun' Argument. Rocks: Last Week Tonight With John Oliver. Theaters of War (2022): Movie. We Gave a Speech to Wayne LaPierre at the NRA Convention. The AI That Creates Any Picture You Want.