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White Replacement Theory Is Fascism’s New Name

Jason Stanley and Federico Finchelstein LA Times
White Replacement Theory is a relatively recent label for old fascism. It is a rebranding of the long-standing fascist paranoias and lies about invasion and racial and political replacement.

Left Internationalism in the Heart of Empire

Aziz Rana Dissent
American workers have a particularly important role to play in developing an internationalist vision that universally and effectively joins anti-imperial and anti-authoritarian ethics.

Russians Line Up for Final Big Macs

Reuters Reuters
Although providing food and employment to tens of thousands might seem the right thing to do, Chief Executive Chris Kempczinski said in a letter to employees, "it is impossible to ignore the humanitarian crisis caused by the war in Ukraine."

Deep South Baristas Strike Starbucks

Kerry Taylor Labor Notes
Starbucks baristas in Columbia, South Carolina, returned to their jobs on Saturday, May 21, following a three-day walkout to protest anti-union retaliation.

Colombian Left May Be on the Verge of Winning Power

Andrew Willis Garcés, Andrea Parra, and Nikki Marín Baena Convergence
A popular uprising of millions. A candidate from the social movements. A broad Left electoral front. Colombia’s political ground is shifting.