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Race after information-value

Marc Kohlbry Radical Philosophy
This is a wide-ranging work that explores the relationship between the emergence of what's been called "racial capitalism" and the history and development of capitalist uses of information.

Abolition Newspaper Revived for Nation Grappling with Racism

Philip Marcelo Associated Press
The Emancipator was America's first newspaper dedicated to advocating for the end of slavery. Because racism is still so prevalent in this country, the publication will be resurrected over 200 years later.

Are Latinos Rewriting the Script?

Saida Pagán  Hollywood Progressive
Latino stories are being told in volumes not seen in recent memory. For those following a decades-long quest for greater opportunities in Hollywood, there are signs that 2022 could be the year the Latino storyline is finally rewritten. 

Things Must Fundamentally Change

Anand Giridharadas Interview with David Sirota The Daily Poster
It reminds me of the old saying from Paul Wellstone: “If we don’t fight hard enough for the things we stand for, at some point we have to recognize that we don’t really stand for them.”