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What Comes After National Liberation Movements?

Imraan Buccus New Frame
History shows that the decline of national liberation movements is inevitable. Without undertaking the political work to build progressive alternatives, moving from one political epoch to another can be a movement from the frying pan into the fire.

Bernie Wants Democrats to Fight for the Working Class. They Won’t.

Neal Meyer Jacobin
Bernie Sanders is sounding the alarm: working-class people are fed up with Democrats’ failed strategy of behind-the-scenes negotiations. But the party won’t listen. So Sanders and the Squad should take a more aggressive approach against the Democrat

Time for AG Garland to Create Corporate Crime Database

Ralph Nader Common Dreams
To properly face the major threats posed by corporate crime, it is important that the Department have more specific and timely ways to measure the incidence and severity of corporate crime.

Once Upon A Time

Fred Norman
Bay Area poet Fred Norman, a dedicated pacifist in Veterans for Peace, died on December 30. His anti-war poetry lives on.