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Ben & Jerry’s Vows to Stop Sales in Israeli West Bank Settlement

Michael Aria Mondoweiss
On Monday Ben & Jerry’s announced that it would stop selling ice cream in Israeli settlements. Israel has promised to fight the move "with all our might," while activists say it is yet another sign of how BDS is entering the mainstream.

How Contingent Faculty Organizing Can Succeed in Higher Education

Steve Early New Politics
According to the book, Power Despite Precarity: Strategies for the Contingent Movement in Higher Education (Pluto Press, 2021), an estimated 70 to 80 percent of all contingent faculty in the U.S. still lack union representation.

Cuba and the US: The Difference Between Dictatorship and Tyranny

Jorge Majfud Common Dreams
By all Western standards it can be said that Cuba is a dictatorship, but it is necessary to remember that the United States is the tyranny that created it, a brutal tyranny that has been going on for at least two hundred years.

The US Tax Code Should Not Allow Billionaires to Exist

Josh Mound Jacobin
The recent ProPublica exposé about billionaires’ almost-nonexistent tax bill was just the latest to reveal how little the ultrarich pay in taxes. We need to attack the wealth and power of the rich — and that means massively increasing taxes on them.