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The Ohio Model for Purging Progressives

David Dayen, Alexander Sammon The American Prospect
A Democratic establishment victory in a House race last year has emboldened big money to upend this primary cycle.

How Democracies Spy on Their Citizens

Ronan Farrow The New Yorker
The inside story of the world’s most notorious commercial spyware and the big tech companies waging war against it.

Algae: The Food of the Future of the Past

Livia Gershon JSTOR
In the years following World War II, American and European food scientists hoped to feed the world with common pond scum supplemented with plastics. But it wasn’t just the unpleasant flavor that killed the algae craze.

Enduring Lessons From the Pittsburgh and Flint Water Crises

Daniella Zessoules Demos
We can take heart in the knowledge that everyday people have the power to force their elected officials to keep public goods public. Pittsburgh’s Our Water Campaign showed us how, with strategies that other cities can replicate, adapt, and pass on.