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Who Is Responsible for Puerto Rico's Debt?

Ed Morales The Nation
There's evidence some of it is illegal - and activists agree that Washington's colonial control over the island's economy helped create the crisis. We are urging members of Congress to put the people of Puerto Rico first and oppose H.R. 5278 as currently written, said SEIU 32BJ President Hector Figueroa. We need a real solution and Congress must get back to work immediately to provide a path forward that allows Puerto Rico to negotiate a feasible debt restructuring plan.

As Brexit Approaches, Europe's Left Is Divided - and for Good Reason

Conn Hallinan Foreign Policy in Focus
Can the EU still unite a continent shattered by world wars, or is it little more than a vehicle for austerity capitalism? Soon British voters will vote on Brexit - leaving the EU. Given the absence of a strong, continent-wide left, however, reversing the current economic rules of the EU may be a country-by-country battle. It's already underway - and for all of the economic power of the EU, the organization is vulnerable to charges that Brussels has sidelined democracy.


An Attack on Working People

Editorial Morning Star
France's new labor law allows a race to the bottom as employers take advantage of a fragmented workforce whose ability to call on the solidarity of workers elsewhere will be strictly controlled.

Exclusive: Yanis Varoufakis Reveals How European Powers' Troika Abolished Greek Anti-Tax Evasion Unit

Lucy Komisar The Komisar Scoop
Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis revealed for the first time how days after he resigned, the Troika effectively abolished a unit he had set up to combat tax evasion. European Commission (EC) President Jean-Claude Junker led the efforts to prevent Greece from collecting taxes. Junker was Minister of Finance and later Prime Minister of Luxembourg from 1989 to 2013. Varoufakis called Luxembourg the largest tax haven in the world.

Germany: What Die Linke Should Do

Bernd Riexinger Jacobin
The German right made stunning gains in this month's regional elections. The Left must rise to the challenge. We spend too much time speaking to people instead of with them, we make too many promises to do something for others instead of inviting them to get active themselves, to fight and organize with us.


The CTU’s Strike for Democracy

Lois Weiner Jacobin
The Chicago Teachers Union’s strike today is a challenge to the rest of labor to break anti-union rules.

How Bernie Sanders Has Built A Multi-Racial Anti-Austerity Campaign

Kevin Gosztola, Rania Khalek, Donna Murch Shadowproof
Donna Murch, an associate professor at Rutgers University reacts to activists who shut down Donald Trump’s rally in Chicago. She responds to Hillary Clinton’s statement on what happened, and how it relied upon coded language. We highlight the Clintons’ records with African Americans. The discussion expands into a full assessment of the successes and struggles which Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign has had with Black voters.

Spain votes ‘no’ on failed economic policies

Mark Weisbrot Al Jazeera America
A new party of the Left in Spain has surprised pundits by winning big in last Sunday's elections by running on an an-austerity program. Mark Weisbrot offers some background and an analysis of how these developments fit within the overall "post-recession" Eurozone crisis.
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