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Rational Actors

Jenny Brown Jacobin
baby crib In the United States, women face the prospect of becoming mothers without necessary social protections. Many decide it’s not worth the risk.

Tidbits - December 21, 2017 - Reader Comments: Alabama Election; #RememberInNovember; Tax Bill; Mueller Firing Rapid Response; Police Shootings; 7 Words; Birth Control; Stealing Workers' Tips; William Pelz - R.I.P.; U.S. Foreign Military Bases; and more..

Reader Comments: Alabama Election - What Lessons?; Tax Bill - #RememberInNovember; Nobody Is above the Law — Mueller Firing Rapid Response - Check your zip code to find action near you; Police Shootings; Those 7 Words; Elected Officials - Men - Don't Know Sh*t About Birth Control; Stealing Workers' Tips; William Pelz - R.I.P.; Oscar Grant Vigil in Oakland; Conference on U.S. Foreign Military Bases; and more....

Here's What It's Like to Work at Planned Parenthood

Kevin Drum Mother Jones
After two days of near silence, Republican presidential candidates are finally praying for the victims of the Colorado attack. Praying is always okay, even for sinners. It's a turn of phrase that doesn't risk showing even the slightest desire to protect Planned Parenthood from future attacks. Republicans might not want Planned Parenthood workers killed, but they sure don't seem to mind if their angry hordes do everything just short of that.

Why Harris and Hobby Lobby Spell Disaster for Working Women

Sarah Jaffe In These Times
The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby Monday, allowing "closely held" businesses to claim religious rights and avoid federal healthcare regulations that require employers to include birth control in insurance plans.

Dispatches from the Culture Wars - Spring Break Edition

Peru Billboard Wrings Water from Air; Tips for Facing Racist and Sexist Online Attacks; Catholic Colleges Go After Condom-Distributing Students; Model for Quality Academics Broken; Triangle Fire Building will get a Memorial Wrap; Wal-Mart Doesn't Have Enough Workers to Keep the Shelves Stocked; Conservatives Stick to Name Brands; Cuba Releases a Shoot-Em-Up Video Game Based on 1959 Revolution
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