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The Exploitation Time Bomb

Jayati Ghosh Project Syndicate
Worsening economic inequality in recent years is largely the result of policy choices that reflect the political influence and lobbying power of the rich. There is now a self-reinforcing pattern of high profits, low investment, and rising inequality

Which Way to Socialism?

Eric Blanc / Charlie Post Jacobin
Is there a democratic road to socialism? And if so, what does it mean for socialists today?

Marx and the Dutch East India Company

Pepijn Brandon Historical Materialism
The example of Dutch colonialism in Indonesia helped Marx to show that the kind of processes that he outlined as “original accumulation”, though playing out in a particular way in Britain, were fundamentally transnational.


Radical Happiness

Garrett Pierman Marx & Philosophy Review of Books
"The pursuit of happiness," said the writers of the Declaration of Independence, is one of our basic "unalienable rights." What can that possibly mean in contemporary capitalist society? This book inquires into what "happiness" might mean today.

Unionizing the World’s Largest Slaughterhouse

Russell Hall Monthly Review
How meatpacking workers successfully established a union at the Tar Heel slaughterhouse in North Carolina. The success of the workers there in unionizing provides important lessons for future unionization efforts.

In Praise of a Higher Minimum Wage

Richard Florida City Lab
Raising the minimum wage helps low-paid workers without damaging the broader economy, the authors of two new research papers find.

Assessing 40 Years of Labor Notes

Nelson Lichtenstein International Viewpoint
Labor Notes is one of the most successful socialist projects in the labor movement in US history. It has trained and connected tens of thousands of union militants throughout the world.
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