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You Don’t Hate Mondays, You Hate Not Being Yourself

Drake Caeneus Medium
Perhaps we don’t really hate Mondays. What we really hate, maybe, is the nagging sensation that we are not fully present in our own lives. Mondays nudge us to ask: In how much of this life am I truly free?

GM Oshawa: Making Hope Possible

Sam Gindin Socialist Project
Continuing our dependence on unaccountable corporations, without the ability to enforce job guarantees, making competitiveness the only test of worthwhile activity, looking to ‘better’ free trade agreements, are dead ends -- death by a thousand cuts.


The Making of Corporate Empire

Jane Slaughter November 1, 2018 Against the Current
Focusing on Ford Motor Co.’s rise, the author posits a connect between racial practices in the United States, Brazil, and South Africa and Ford’s divisive labor processes, seeing racism as an essential element in the creation of global capitalism.

The American Economy Is Rigged

Joseph E. Stiglitz Scientific American
We are already paying a high price for inequality, but it is just a down payment on what we will have to pay if we do not do something—and quickly. It is not just our economy that is at stake; we are risking our democracy.


Missing the Dark Satanic Mills

Deborah Cohen New York Review of Books
After three centuries, giant factories remain sites not only of production for use but of exploitation, class warfare and environmental degradation. The book author writes of how the factory still effects our dreams and nightmares.

Clever Corporate Criticism of U.S. Schools

Gerald Coles New Politics
Note: In this guest blog, Gerald Coles, known for his work in literacy education and disabilities, describes capitalism's love/hate relationship with public education.
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