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D.C. Charter Teachers Seek to Unionize

Rachel M. Cohen American Prospect
Teachers at the Paul Public Charter School in Washington DC are attempting to organize a union. If successful, they’d be the first unionized charter employees in the nation’s capital. Across the country, charter administrators and board members have generally fought union efforts.

School Privatizer to Head US Department of Education

Bob Peterson Education in Crisis
While it is doubtful that US President-elect Donald Trump ever read George Orwell's 1984, Trump's cabinet choices appear to come right out of the doublethink that ruled Orwell's dystopian society. In Orwell's book, the Ministry of Plenty rationed essentials while the Ministry of Truth manufactured falsehoods. Trump's choice for Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, is perhaps the most extreme of Trump's cabinet nominees.


Massachusetts Teachers Knock Out Corporate Charter School Scheme

Samantha Winslow Labor Notes
The No on 2 victory offers a ray of hope to union members and public education activists, even as they grapple with the news of Trump’s presidential win. Building power locally will help not just on the statewide education fights, Madeloni points out, but also in the big picture.

Vote No on Charter Schools

Jonathan Kozol The Boston Globe
Senator Elizabeth Warren and Mayor Martin Walsh of Boston have correctly noted that charter schools are draining off enormous sums of money from already-underfunded public schools. But an even greater loss may be the draining-off of parents who no longer have a stake in advocating for the schools from which they’ve chosen to depart. Who will stand up for the children at the schools they've left behind?

Professor: Why I Am `Incredibly Pessimistic' About the Future of Public Education

Mark Naison The Washington Post - The Answer Sheet
Public schools in recent years have sustained assaults from believers in the privatization of the public education system. The powers that be plan a data-based reinvention of teacher education that will require the closing, or reinvention of colleges of teacher education. If these plans go through, a majority of the nation's teachers and teacher educators could lose their jobs in the next 10 years, replaced by people who will largely be temp workers-making minimum wages
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