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Thank You Portside readers

We Portside moderators send you our heartfelt thanks for responding generously to our annual appeal. You are one of more than  400 people who contributed $27,000+. We don't do a lot of fundraising - just this once-a-year request - so your response to this appeal is our life blood. It not only supports us financially, but energizes us to continue to bring you critical reporting, analysis and discussion from a left perspective across the country and around the globe.


Thanks - Portside Labor readers

Portside extends its heartfelt thanks to our readers - who so generously responded to our annual fund appeal. Thanks to your support, Portside continues to share progressive news and actions that keep you informed and motivated. Last night we heard the message of this racist in chief - sloganeering, bellicosity and fear-mongering. Portside is one of those places that offers an alternative - reporting, analysis and advocacy based in reality.

Thanks - Portside Culture readers

Portside extends its heartfelt thanks to our readers - who so generously responded to our annual fund appeal. Thanks to your support, Portside continues to share progressive news and actions that keep you informed and motivated. Last night we heard the message of this racist in chief - sloganeering, bellicosity and fear-mongering. Portside is one of those places that offers an alternative - reporting, analysis and advocacy based in reality.

We Need Your Help - We Made Changes to Help Our Fight

Once a year Portside asks readers for their support. This is that time. Like everyone, we’ve been straining to keep up with astounding developments over the past year. We've also made a lot of changes, to create better tools to help meet the needs of the moment. So if you haven't donated yet, it's not too late.

Asking for Your Help; We Made Changes to Help our Fight

Like everyone, we’ve been straining to keep up with astounding developments over the past year. We've also made a lot of changes, to create better tools to help meet the needs of the moment. So if you haven't donated yet, it's not too late.


We’ve Made Changes…We’re Asking for Your Help

Like everyone, we’ve been straining to keep up with astounding developments over the past year. We've also made a lot of changes, to create better tools to help meet the needs of the moment. So if you haven't donated yet, it's not too late.

Asking for Your Support and Solidarity - Our Annual Appeal for Contributions

Once a year we appeal to you to contribute to make it possible to continue this work. Please help. It's been an extraordinary year. A year of unparalleled dangers, which we won't dwell on, as you know them well. Because information is power, we are always trying to make what we present easy to read. We hope you like what you see - the new upgraded Portside.


Once a Year We Appeal to You to Contribute to Continue this Work

Just once a year we appeal to you to contribute to make it possible to continue this work. Please help. And because information is power, in addition to addressing the Big Picture, we are always trying to make what we present easy to read. It's been an extraordinary year. A year of unparalleled dangers, which we won't dwell on, as you know them well.

Once a Year We Appeal to You to Contribute to Continue this Work

Just once a year we appeal to you to contribute to make it possible to continue this work. Please help. And because information is power, in addition to addressing the Big Picture, we are always trying to make what we present easy to read. It's been an extraordinary year. A year of unparalleled dangers, which we won't dwell on, as you know them well.

Portside Fund Appeal - What a Year It's Been

It's been an extraordinary year. A year of unparalleled dangers, which we wont dwell on, as you know them well. Also a year that people invented new ways to assert themselves -- from athletes kneeling to women speaking out to voters flipping seats up and down the ballot. Just once a year we appeal to you to contribute to make it possible to continue this work. Please help.
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