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Organizing the Multiracial Working Class

Maurice Mitchell The American Prospect
If working people fail to see real material distinctions between life under Trump and life under Biden, they’ll look for an alternative to the party in power.

Democrats Are Subsidizing Health Insurance Predators

Andrew Perez Jacobin
Democrats want to pay billions to put Americans on expensive corporate health insurance plans rather than expand Medicare or create a public option. It’s a gift to a criminal private insurance industry that needs to be completely abolished.

Trump as Citizen Kane

Joseph B Atkins Labor South
Trump as Citizen Kane, and the challenge to the Left to prove to workers that it, not right-wing populists, truly represents them and will fight neoliberalism

A Washington Echo Chamber for a New Cold War

Cassandra Stimpson and Holly Zhang TomDispatch
demonstrator with protest sign A Rising China Lifts All Boats (Submarines, Aircraft Carriers, and Surface Ships), Not to Speak of Fighter Planes, in the Military-Industrial Complex.


How Trump Is Helping Tycoons Exploit the Pandemic

Jane Mayer The New Yorker
The secretive titan behind one of America’s largest poultry companies, who is also one of the President’s top donors, is ruthlessly leveraging the coronavirus crisis—and his vast fortune—to strip workers of protections.

An Empire in Disarray: Time for a New Party?

Howard Machtinger Portside
If the (Democratic) Party continues to resist real change, then is the time ripe for a third party after the election? Calling for this new party, I represent no organization nor any mass base; just an old-timer with...historical perspective.
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