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When Will the Earth Come to an End?

Ethan Siegel Starts With a Bang!
From life on Earth to the planet itself, there are four ways our planet will actually experience “the end,” no matter how we define it.

Rockshelter Discoveries Show Neandertals Were a Lot Like Us

David W. Frayer and Davorka Radovčić Scientific American
Neandertals at a site in Croatia exhibited a range of behaviors traditionally assumed to be unique to modern humans, and they developed these behaviors independently, tens of thousands of years before modern humans arrived in this region.

Friday Nite Videos | January 7, 2022

Abhor-Rent: 525,600 Minutes Since the Insurrection. January 6th Insurrectionists: Where Are They Now? Elie Mystal: Hold Trump and Allies Accountable. Most 1/6 Convicts Got No Jail Time. The Humans That Lived Before Us.

The Humans That Lived Before Us

It's not easy to say what makes a human -- to define the boundaries of the family. But we now know that it's a big and complex picture, with lots of amazing relatives in it. 

Call of the Wild

Jon Cohen With reporting by Kai Kupferschmidt. Science Magazine
Why many scientists say it’s unlikely that SARS-CoV-2 originated from a “lab leak”

Friday Nite Videos | August 20, 2021

The Dailyshow-ography of Lindsey Graham. Bob Dylan | With God on Our Side. How the Immune System Actually Works. Homeroom | Documentary. Baby Bats Babble, Much Like Human Infants.
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