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The Black American Amputation Epidemic

Lizzie Presser ProPublica
It is the cardinal sin of the American health system in a single surgery: save on preventive care, pay big on the backend, and let the chronically sick and underprivileged feel the extreme consequences.

What Comes After the Apocalypse

Larry Stafford Jr. Progressive Maryland BlogSpace
We must recognize that we live on the shoulders of ancestors who have survived through crisis and devastation. We must step up in ways that will enable history to judge this moment as not only a tragic event, but as a catalyst for a global awakening.

Pandemic Lays Bare Israel’s Systemic Racism

Diana Buttu The Electronic Intifada
Palestinians do not only have to fear loss of life, a collapsed health care system and economy: They also have to fear Israel’s daily actions in occupied territory.

Friday Nite Videos | April 10, 2020

One America News | John Oliver. John Prine | That's How Every Empire Falls. Heroes of the Coronavirus Pandumbic. Bernie Talks to Colbert About Health Care As a Human Right. We Clap Because We Care: New Yorkers Applaud Health Care Workers.
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