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Don't Let Trump Off the Hook for the Coronavirus Crisis

Alex Shephard The New Republic
In its rush to praise the president for his response to the pandemic, the press is forgetting how we got into this mess in the first place. It was Trump's choices that put us in the situation we are in now.

Why I am a Socialist

Rob Delaney Medium
Nobody “earned” a billion dollars. Nobody earned even a million dollars. And nobody deserves to have their life destroyed due to the financial implications of a child’s illness, or any illness.

The Secret to Saving the Lives of Black Mothers and Babies

Lisa Rab Politico
Studies show that doulas help reduce the rate of caesarean surgeries, which is higher among black women, and other costly interventions. They can even alleviate some socioeconomic factors that contribute to poor maternal health.

Tidbits - Nov.21, 2019 - Reader Comments: Medicare4All, Sanders, Warren, and the Left; Bolivia Coup; Electoral College; Announcements: Right to the City; Peggy Lipschutz Memorial; Kurdish Feminists; Delegation to Venezuela; and more....

Reader Comments: Medicare4All, Sanders, Warren, and the Left; Bolivia Coup; AFL-CIO Denounces Coup; Electoral College Racist Origins; Announcements: Right to the City; Peggy Lipschutz Memorial; Kurdish Feminists; Delegation to Venezuela; and more...

Tidbits - Nov. 7, 2019 - Reader Comments: Impeachment Cover-up; Trump Changing Judiciary; McConnell Countdown; Warren's Medicare for All Plan; California Fires; Army Recruitment Answer to Student Debt; Middle East - Trump Policy Collapse; and more

Reader Comments: Impeachment and Cover-up; Trump Changing Judiciary; McConnell Countdown; Warren's Medicare for All Plan; California Fires; Army Recruitment Targets Student Debt; Middle East - Trump Policy Collapse; Resources; Announcements; and more
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