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Friday Nite Videos | Aug 7, 2020

U.S. History: John Oliver. Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Rockin' in the Free World. Parodies in the Time of Coronavirus. Cori Bush Wins Missouri Congressional Democratic Primary. Vote Him Away #2 (The Liar Tweets Tonight).

U.S. History: Why the Battle Continues and Why It Matters

John Oliver takes a look at how the history of race in America is taught in schools, how we can make those teachings more accurate, and why it’s in everyone's best interest to understand the most realistic version of the past.

Why Does Essential Work Pay So Little... And Cost So Much?

Rebecca Gordon TomDispatch
bus driver waering mask and gloves Students tend to measure fair compensation on two scales. How many years of training and/or dollars of tuition did a worker have to invest to become “qualified” for the job? And how important is that worker’s labor to the rest of society?

A Poll Tax By Any Other Name

Dana Sweeney Facing South
face photo of Black man Robert Peoples remembers when African Americans won the right to vote in Alabama back in 1965. More than 50 years after the passage of the Voting Rights Act, Robert Peoples cannot vote in the state of Alabama.

Poultry and Prisons: Toward a General Strike for Abolition

Carrie Freshour Monthly Review
If the work of abolition is not only about stopping prisons, but also about imagining a future in which we win, then people cannot be released from prisons only to be put on the streets or to premature disability at the poultry factory.
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