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The Young Karl Marx (in Theaters!)

The narrative brilliance of director Raoul Peck (I Am Not Your Negro) tells the story of Karl Marx's marriage, soaring vision, political exile and partnership with Frederick Engels. Check local listings for showtimes.


Marxism as ‘Organized Sarcasm’

Richard Seymour Salvage
Saying Marxism is a science is preface. Add organized sarcasm and we come closer to mocking not so much intimate feelings associated with worldly illusions but their form in a particular perishable world. It aims to give new form to certain aspirations, the better to regenerate them. Yet if Marxist movements are to be effective, they must create new tastes and a new language for struggles to be born. Sarcasm then is about what outrages our sense of what should be.

Friday Nite Videos | September 15, 2017

Donald Trump's Rage Against 'Idiot' Sessions. John Oliver | Colin Kaepernick. A Former Neo-Nazi Is Trying to Stop the Spread of Hate. Movie | The Young Karl Marx. Dave Van Ronk | House Of The Rising Sun.

Movie | The Young Karl Marx

Haitian Raoul Peck ('I Am Not Your Negro') directs an indie biopic that narrates the early stormy development of communism through the prism of the Marx-Engels partnership. In select theaters.

Karl Marx Makes a Comeback

Kathy M. Newman Working-Class Perspectives
Suddenly, Marx is cool again, mainly because he was, and remains today, one of capitalism’s most astute critics. Happy Birthday Karl, and thanks.


Terror in the French Revolution and Today

Samuel Farber International Socialist Review
The author argues that the Terror of the French Revolution was a price worth paying, and that the lessons from overthrowing the old regime should temper today's trend of maligning oppressed people's resort to violence as itself a rationale for ongoing class injustices. The reviewer, no critic of revolutionary struggle, argues that the author overemphasizes the pursuit of vengeance then and now involved at the expense of politics and a weighing of class forces.

The Birth of a Holiday

Eric Hobsbawm Jacobin
The late Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm recounts the origins of International Workers' Day.

Tidbits - April 20, 2017 - Reader Comments: Syria Catastrophe; Day Without Immigrants; Montana Special Election; Trump, McCarthyism, and Russian Hacking; Combating climate change resources; Journey to Palestine and Israel; and more...

Reader Comments: Syria Catastrophe - Who Benefits?; A Day Without Immigrants - Hundreds Of Thousands Will Strike May 1; Montana Special Election; Trump, McCarthyism, and Russian Hacking; Portside's Culture posts; Resources: Combating climate change; New book - In the Fields of the North; Announcements: Rana Plaza film showings; Sarah Jaffe on American Activists; Women Fight the Islamic State; Marx's Capital-after 150 Years; Journey to Palestine and Israel; and more...
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