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Bessemer - A Big Step Forward

Frank Emspak Portside
A victory at Bessemer would be great. But even without that workers at Amazon, Walmart, and Microsoft will continue to organize. Why? Because management can never represent the interests of the workforce.


Labor’s Uphill Battle

Lauren Kaori Gurley New York Review of Books
Enthusiasm for strikes, walkouts, sick-outs, and pickets has surged. A new, progressive wing of the Democratic Party, represented by young women of color like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar—has won the enthusiasm of millions of young people.


The Labor Movement We Need to Win the Future We Want

Tanya Wallace-Gobern and Steven Pitts The Forge
Unions must root out the racism within their ranks, then leverage relationships members have in their own communities and focus on transforming the lives of workers, both inside and outside the workplace.

Tidbits - Aug. 27, 2020 - Reader Comments: Jacob Blake's sister speaks out; Federal Judge -end law shielding police immunity; School Reopening; Trump's Tax Returns - no immunity; Athletes protesting; Kamala Harris; cartoons, poems, resources, announcement

Reader Comments: Jacob Blake's sister speaks out; Federal Judge -end law shielding police immunity; School Reopening; Trump's Tax Returns - no immunity; Athletes protesting; Kamala Harris; cartoons, poems, songs, resources, announcements and more...
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