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Springsteen: My Oklahoma Home

Bruce Springsteen, live in Dublin, sings Woody Guthrie's classic song of humor for surviving Dust Bowl and Depression."All except my mortgage blowed away." 

Friday Nite Videos -- November 28, 2014

Redemption Song: Playing for Change. #BlackoutBlackFriday. Michael Brown Protesters Urge Black Friday Boycott. Free Education Demo: London. Walmart Workers' Flash Mob.

Redemption Song: Playing for Change

A version of "Redemption Song" performed around the world in honor of Bob Marley's birthday, featuring Bob Marley and his son Stephen, suffused with a feeling of rising above the past. 

The Other America - A Riot is the Language of the Unheard

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Grosse Pointe Historical Society
" is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard." [March 14, 1968]

Friday Nite Videos -- November 21, 2014

President Obama: Fixing Immigration. The Browning of America. The Case for Napping at Work. Cuban Music in the Streets. Documentary: The Other Side of Immigration.

The Browning of America

Olmeca teams up with the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) and PUENTE Movement to bring you a music video depicting the growth of Latinos in the U.S. The video centers around beautiful “video portraits” of individuals and families within the Latino community. These portraits include past deportation detainees and their families, as well as, immigrant rights activists.

Cuban Music in the Streets

Walking along Trinidad streets, in Cuba, Armando Flores found this little band, giving away their art to the wind. And there's many more like them in the island. Enjoy.

Friday Nite Videos -- November 14, 2014

Ry Cooder: Feelin' Bad Blues. Citizen Four: Edward Snowden Documentary. The Inspiration Project. John Oliver: The Lottery. 90-Year-Old Arrested for Feeding Homeless.

Ry Cooder: Feelin' Bad Blues

Ry Cooder's Feelin' Bad Blues, from his album Crossroads, set to images that, person by person, put a face to heartbreak.

Tidbits - November 13, 2014

Reader Comments- Voter Suppression; Election Failure by Democrats; Progressive Victories You Didn't Hear About; Federal Judge Guts Nationwide Ban On Housing Discrimination; America Rigged for Massive Wealth Transfer to the Rich; Global Economic Divide; Cuban Five and Alan Gross; Fracking Banned in Denton, TX; Ferguson; Inner City Schools Function Like Prisons; A Good Movie Tip; Women's Labor Music Announcements- Labor Notes Hiring; Events in Oakland and New York
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