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Deb Haaland | In Her Own Words

Rep. Deb Haaland of New Mexico is Joe Biden's nominee for Interior Secretary, where she would be the first indigenous person to hold a Cabinet office. She introduced herself at the Democratic National Convention as 'a proud 35th generation New Mexican.'

Friday Nite Videos | July 3, 2020

The CIA Is Hiring | Trevor Noah. The Dangerous Ones | #VoteForOurLives. Native Americans Protest Trump Trip to Mount Rushmore. “Make AMERICA Again” | Langston Hughes Poem Let America Be America Again. Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel: Commentary

Native Americans Protest Trump Trip to Mount Rushmore

"I hope people begin to understand that these were racist white men." Writer Simon Moya-Smith says the Black Hills in South Dakota, where Mount Rushmore is located, have always been a holy place for the Lakota Nation.

The Hidden History of How California Was Built on Genocide

Mark Karlin Truthout
History professor Benjamin Madley has written the first comprehensive investigation of the catastrophe that befell California's Indigenous population from 1846 to 1873: a catastrophe that was entirely man-made. An American Genocide catalogs the killing of tens of thousands of Native people during those years, and proves just how complicit the Californian and United States government were in the slaughter. Order this important book by donating to Truthout today!

New Way of Teaching Columbus: Putting Him On Trial for Murder

Amy Graff San Francisco Gate
A longtime educator has created an increasingly popular lesson that turns the classroom into a courtroom and asks students to put Columbus, his crew, the King and Queen of Spain and the indigenous people on trial for murder.

Marching for Science: Interview with Rosalyn LaPier

Rosalyn LaPier, Drew Pendergrass Harvard Political Review
I would say that science plays many roles in society; it definitely plays many roles in a democratic society. It is impossible to be completely apolitical, but I think that science is nonpartisan. There really is a difference between being not partisan and being political.

The Never-Ending Indian Wars: Spotlight Returns to Standing Rock

Stephanie Woodard Yes Magazine
The world has been shocked by North Dakota’s violent reaction to the anti-oil pipeline resistance at Standing Rock. For the better part of a year, people have watched via social media, then increasingly on conventional media outlets, as heavily armed law enforcement officers and private contractors attacked unarmed civilians with rubber bullets, mace, tear gas, batons, and water cannons in sub-freezing temperatures.

Dakota Pipeline: Protesters, Authorities Clash as Temperatures Drop

Tim Stelloh NBC News
Please call the following agencies now! Governor, Morton County Sheriff, ND National Guard. Demand that law enforcement STAND DOWN on Highway 1806. There is no room in a democracy to fire hose, tear gas or use rubber bullets on peaceful, unarmed water protectors.

"Riot" Charges Against Amy Goodman

Amy Goodman, Matt Taibbi, Trevor Timm Democracy Now! / Rolling Stone / Freedom of the Press Foundation
A North Dakota state prosecutor has sought to charge award-winning journalist Amy Goodman with participating in a "riot" for filming an attack on Native American-led anti-pipeline protesters. The new charge comes after the prosecutor dropped criminal trespassing charges. Democracy Now!’s report went viral online and was viewed more than 14 million times on Facebook


Why Isn’t Native American Food Hip?

Emily DeRuy The Atlantic
Native American cooking has all the makings of a culinary trend, but it’s been limited by many diners’ unfamiliarity with its dishes and its loaded history.
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