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Newly Released Documents Show Dakota Access Pipeline Is Discriminatory Against Indigenous People

Ardalan Raghian Truthout
Native American mother and child protesting Records obtained through a recent Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveal that the United States Army Corps of Engineers inappropriately attempted to guide the companies funding DAPL toward providing an environmental justice analysis of the pipeline that would conclude that there was no disproportionate impact on a racial minority. Internal Corps email excerpts -- received through discovery by Earthjustice -- show the decision makers behind the pipeline wearing lenses fogged with racism.

Settler Colonialism and the Second Amendment

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz Monthly Review
Taking land by force was not an accidental or spontaneous project or the work of a few rogue characters. The violent appropriation of Native land by white settlers was seen as an individual right in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, second only to freedom of speech.


This Thanksgiving, Break the Colonial Mold and Have an Earth Dinner

Jim Hightower Alternet
When joined by family and friends for Thanksgiving, ask guests to tell stories about their very first food memory, or to recall any family member who was a farmer or a jolly cook. Invite people of diverse backgrounds and all ages. Ask a farm family to join you, or a cheesemaker or others involved in producing food. Then eat, talk, enjoy!

Trump’s Expedited Drilling Threatens Ancient Native American Center

Elizabeth Miller The Guardian
The Trump Administration’s aggressive efforts to turn public lands over to the oil and gas industries threatens New Mexico’s Chaco Canyon, the epicenter of Puebloan civilization from 850 to 1250 AD. UNESCO termed the ancient urban ceremonial center “unlike anything constructed before or since.” The accelerated oil and gas development threatens the Native American connection to this sacred place and all our attempts to understand the mysteries of its way of life.

Why a Right-Wing Think Tank is Trying to Destroy the Indian Child Welfare Act

Rebecca Clarren InvestigateWest
Cloaking its efforts in the language of civil rights, a right-wing think tank has launched a coordinated attack against the Indian Child Welfare Act, passed to protect Native American children from their forced removal from their families and tribes. The Goldwater Institute’s stated goal is to have the Supreme Court strike down the ICWA. But, tribal members say these efforts are also intended to undermine the legal foundation of Native American self-determination.

Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Prepares to Push Back Against Trump's Dakota Access Pipeline Order

Lynda V. Mapes The Seattle Times
In response to President Donald Trump's executive order to advance construction of the stalled Dakota Access Pipeline, tribal opponents say they will fight a restart of the project in court. While President Trump issued an executive order Tuesday intended to advance construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline, restarting the stalled project may not be simple.


The Captive Aliens Who Remain Our Shame

Annette Gordon-Reed New York Review of Books
The author argues that a key factor in unifying the fractious 13 colonies in opposition to British rule during the Revolution was the patriots' effort to link British oppression to extant colonial fears about insurrectionary slaves and homicidal Indians. America's founders were chief among those spreading tales of British agents inciting blacks and Indians to take up arms against the American rebellion, making racial prejudice a foundation stone of the new republic.
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