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Network Earth

Our planet is made up of millions of networks from microscopic ecosystems to global migration. Here's how we may better understand when those networks are in danger of collapse.

Networks Untangle Malaria’s Deadly Shuffle

Veronique Greenwood Quanta Magazine
The world’s most dangerous malaria parasite shuffles its genes in a clever attempt to avoid the immune system. A new approach has begun to reveal how the process works.

NSA Infected 50,000 Computer Networks With Malicious Software

Floor Boon, Steven Derix and Huib Modderkolk NRC Handelsblad
The NSA computer attacks are performed by a special department called TAO (Tailored Access Operations). Public sources show that this department employs more than a thousand hackers. According to the Washington Post, the NSA has been carrying out this type of cyber operation since 1998.

What Do Ants Know That We Don’t?

Deborah Gordon Wired Science
Ant colonies have been used throughout history as models of industry, obedience, and wisdom. Although the ants themselves can be indolent, inconsiderate of others, and downright stupid, we have much to learn from ant colony protocols. The ants have evolved ways of working together that we haven’t yet dreamed of.
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