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Tidbits - Apr.30, 2020 - Reader Comments: May Day Actions, Celebrations; Toll on Healthcare, All Essential Workers; Meat Plants; Back-to-Work and Death; Cuomo Power Grab; Cuban Healthcare Workers; Unequal Burden of Covid-19; Earth Day @50; announcements

Reader Comments: May Day Actions, Celebrations; Toll on Healthcare and All Essential Workers; Trump and Meat Plants; Back-to-Work and Death; Cuomo Power Grab; Cuban Healthcare Workers; Unequal Burden of Covid-19; Earth Day @50; lots of announcements

Friday Nite Videos | April 10, 2020

One America News | John Oliver. John Prine | That's How Every Empire Falls. Heroes of the Coronavirus Pandumbic. Bernie Talks to Colbert About Health Care As a Human Right. We Clap Because We Care: New Yorkers Applaud Health Care Workers.

Tidbits - Apr. 9, 2020 - Reader Comments: Right to Vote or Die; COVID Makes Clear, Healthcare is Human Right; Coronavirus and African Americans, Attacks on Asian Americans, New York City, Farmworkers, Climate Crisis; Paul Robeson; Resources, more...

Reader Comments: The Right to Vote...or Die; COVID Makes Clear, Healthcare is Human Right; Coronavirus and African Americans, Attacks on Asian Americans, York City, Farmworkers, Climate Crisis; Paul Robeson; Immigration; Resources; and more....


Some Instacart, Amazon Workers Strike as Jobs Get Riskier

Alexandra Olson and Mae Anderson Associated Press
Some Instacart and Amazon warehouse workers have walked off the job to demand greater safeguards against the coronavirus, even as both companies are speed-hiring hundreds of thousands of new workers to handle a surge in delivery orders.

Trump to New York: Drop Dead

Jennifer Senior The New York Times
Untold thousands will likely die, absent federal intervention. And it needs to happen this instant. Why won't the president help?
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