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How to Unseat an ICE-collaborating Sheriff

Rebekah Barber Facing South
We actually found out that our jail not only has a 287(g) program but is a mini detention center almost. There are people being held here for immigration purposes, and some of them are going to be deported directly from the jail.

Tidbits - Nov. 15, 2018 - Reader Comments: 2018 elections - What Next; Proportional Representation; Police and White Supremacists; Anti-Gravity; Labor Solidarity; Rabbis Support Refugee Caravan; War in Gaza; FREE Film Showings; more

Reader Comments: 2018 elections - What Next; Proportional Representation; Police Links to White Supremacists; Anti-Gravity; Labor International Solidarity; Private Equity and Workers; Refugee Caravan; New War in Gaza; FREE Film Showings; and more....

To Create True Sanctuary Cities, We Must End Racist Policing

Reyna Wences and Ruth Gomberg-Muñoz Truthout
man being frisked by police Cities across the US have enacted sanctuary measures to resist the Trump administration’s escalation of anti-immigrant policing, but most municipal measures have a central weakness: They only protect immigrants deemed as “law-abiding,” leaving those already ensnared in a racist system unprotected.

Trump Supports Another Racist March

Kelly Hayes Truthout
While the country may be accustomed to Trump firing off falsehoods with abandon, some may be surprised to hear that the Chicago police, whose high-profile brutality has launched countless protests, have themselves become protesters. What was going on in Chicago? What was President Trump endorsing?

The Case for Delegitimizing the Police

William C. Anderson Rewire.News
We can’t say a world without police wouldn’t work when the places that supposedly “need” police have never received adequate resources to thrive.
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