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Protest Music in the Era of Trump

From Woody Guthrie to the tumultuous 1960s, musicians have responded to the times with music. Musicians across multiple genres are once again responding to the political climate.

Friday Nite Videos | June 14, 2019

Valedictorian Reveals Undocumented Status in Speech. Protest Music in the Era of Trump. Republicans for the Rule of Law. 93PUNX, Vic Mensa | Camp America. It's Even Worse When He Tells the Truth.

Remembering the English Revolution

Daniel Johnson New Politics
A book not only for history buffs but for activists focuses on the Levellers in a history from the bottom-up that tells the story of a revolutionary mid-17th century British radical group that turned its world upside down.

Tidbits - June 13, 2019 - Reader Comments: Impeachment; New immigrant children facility opened; Climate Crisis; Puerto Rico; Sanders and Palestine; Airline Mechanics; Teachers; $15 Minimum Wage; Gun Worship; Chile and the TPP; more.....

Reader Comments: Impeachment; New immigrant children facility opened; Climate Crisis; Puerto Rico; Sanders and Palestine; Airline Mechanics; Teachers; $15 Minimum Wage; Gun Worship; Chile and the TPP - Report from Chile; `Cultural Marxism'; more.....

Report from Our Time at the San Diego Immigrant Shelter in Mid-April

Linda Roman and Phyllis Willett Portside
In late April Linda and Phyllis spent 5 days at a shelter in San Diego assisting families just released from border detention. Both are retired and work supporting detainees and asylum seekers. These notes are from that experience.

The Untapped Power of Rural Voters

LaTosha Brown New York Times
Rural voters hold enormous potential for progressives. When Donald Trump came in 2016, many rural voters were desperate. He promised to bring back factory jobs. He promised to bring back coal-mining jobs. Sure, these were lies. But they were lies.