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A Modi Victory Puts India’s 200 Million Muslims in Danger

Ruchira Gupta The Nation
The Hindu nationalist party ran a hate-filled campaign and now seems poised to return to power with a terrifying mandate. Update: Thursday May 23: The results from Thursday's elections did show an overwhelming victory for Narendra Modi's BJP Party.

My Pentagon Regret

James Carroll Tom Dispatch; Common Dreams
As the U.S. Rattles Its Sabers at Tehran, Echoes of Sabers Past

The Future of Jobs

Stephen Greenhouse The American Prospect
Round 2: This article explores some different means of raising wages for precarious workers.

Unions, States Confront Trump Home Care Worker Rule

Sophie Quinton Pew Research Center
The rule is "a blatant political attack on a group of workers that are 90% women and majority people of color,” said April Verrett, president of SEIU Local 2015, which represents some 380,000 California home care and nursing home workers.

America’s Growing Gender Jail Gap

Jacob Kang-Brown and Olive Lu The New York Review of Books
Amber Rose Howard, leader for alternatives to incarceration.
In the middle of her senior year at Pomona High in eastern Los Angeles County, Amber Rose Howard was arrested and booked into county jail. Howard had been accepted into several colleges when she was admitted to jail on felony charges.

Feminist Consciousness: Race and Class

Amanda Martins Meeting Ground
Large demonstration of women in Brazil 2019
Among the most controversial topics in feminism are the race and class questions, which have motivated many women to develop new theories that encompass multiple realities taking into account region, race, economy and sexuality.