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Global Left Midweek - March 27, 2019

EU for the many, Fixing Brexit, Venezuela stands firm, Brazil's unions, Canadian students on climate strike, Cuba to the rescue, Kerala elections, Fury in Costa Rica

Little Boy

Richard Crepeau New York Journal of Books
Lawrence Ferlinghetti, a leading figure of the mid-twentieth century culture of revolt, has just turned 100 years old. Reviewer Crepeau here discusses the poet and writer's newest novel.

Us and Jordan Peele’s New Horror

Vann R. Newkirk 11 The Atlantic
In his latest film the comedian turned director continues to reinvent how the genre uses fear to comment on humanity’s evil. Us is a movie about marginalization, about those “Americans” rising up from the underclasses and dispossessing the masters.

Venezuela, US Solidarity, and the Future of Socialism

Steve Striffler Common Dreams
"The inability of the US left to frame how Venezuela was understood during the high point of Chavismo has left us largely helpless now, a failure of solidarity . . . with ongoing consequences for Venezuela."