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Who gets to regulate lab-grown meat?

Sam Bloch New Food Economy
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced its intent to regulate lab-grown meat which is surprising since domain over meat products has always been the responsibility of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The Right-Wing Firestorm That Rages On

Peter Dreier Dissent
ACORN and the Firestorm reminds us that America’s current polarization wasn’t inevitable. It was manufactured, a product of the web of big business, conservative media entrepreneurs, and right-wing politicians and helped set the stage for Trump . . .

Arrested, Jailed and Charged With a Felony. For Voting.

Jack Healy New York Times
Mr. Sellars, 44, is one of a dozen people in Alamance County in North Carolina who are being prosecuted for voting in the 2016 presidential election while on probation or parole for a felony.