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Klan 2.0: Some 'Good People'

Scott McLemee Inside Higher Ed
In The Second Coming of the KKK: The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s and the American Political Tradition, Linda Gordon emphasizes broad patterns, making the book more timely than even the headlines of white nationalist outpourings the past months would suggest, writes Scott McLemee. What stands out in Gordon’s book is that the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s tried to create a world unto itself through spectacle, mass communications and branding.


What Is Great about Ourselves

Pankaj Mishra London Review of Books
Five books by neoliberal authors extolling glories that never were, the essayist eviscerates a state of mind that flatters a cosmopolitan liberal tolerance that has been more at home with nationalism, imperialism and even racism and a worldview that presupposes a chasm between civilized whites and uncivilized nonwhites. even accusing leftists of enabling racism by such affronts as squashing alleged dissimilar people together on buses, trains and subway cars.

No Justice

Shari Silberstein US News and World Report
Missouri stayed the execution of Marcellus Williams, but why was he sentenced to die in the first place?

The Importance of the Fight for the South -- and Why It Can and Must be Won

Bob Wing and Stephen C. McClure Organizing UpGrade
The far right, racism, militarism, inequality, and poverty are all centered in the South. The majority of African Americans, the main protagonist of progressive politics in this country, live in the South. And the South has more electoral votes, battleground state votes, population, and congresspersons than any other region. The South is changing rapidly, giving rise to more progressive demographic groups - especially Black and Latino migrations...

Friday Nite Videos | September 15, 2017

Donald Trump's Rage Against 'Idiot' Sessions. John Oliver | Colin Kaepernick. A Former Neo-Nazi Is Trying to Stop the Spread of Hate. Movie | The Young Karl Marx. Dave Van Ronk | House Of The Rising Sun.
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