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Keeping it Fresh: Preservatives and The Poison Squad

Cynthia Graber, Nicola Twilley and Deborah Blum Gastropod
Harvey Washington Wiley, a do-gooder farm boy who trained as chemist, worried that preservatives might be harming the public. The trials' shocking results led to the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act and eventually to the creation of the FDA.

The Revolution That Rewrote Life's History

David Quammen The Atlantic
Perhaps the most startling discovery to come out of the study of life’s diversity and relatedness at the molecular level is the movement of genes across species lines - HGT. It turns out that HGT has been widespread and important.

Friday Nite Videos | August 24, 2018

Beto O'Rourke on NFL Players Kneeling. The Fractured Politics of a Browning America. Why Tesla Is Building City-Sized Batteries. Inside Flex—Amazon's Army of Everyday Delivery People. David Pecker's Past Practice Puts POTUS in a Pickle.

Why Tesla Is Building City-Sized Batteries

Giant batteries are crucial to the future of power grids everywhere, but they are only one of the zanier forms of energy storage already in use around the country.

Friday Nite Videos | August 3, 2018

Thank You, Koch Brothers! Prophets of Rage | Who Owns Who. Learning Dexterity. Movie: BLACKkKLANSMAN. Fact Check: Collusion Is A Crime.

Lending a Helping Paw: Dogs Will Aid Their Crying Human

Julia Meyers-Manor and Emily Sanford The Conversation
People have long believed that their dogs will come to their aid when they're in distress. Dog researchers put that belief to the test, and this is what they found.
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