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Why Men Don’t Believe the Data on Gender Bias in Science

Alison Coil Wired
While sexual harassment is certainly an issue, we need to look deeper at gender bias. Women who do make it to the upper ranks have often been told that they were only given that job or that award because they are women, implying that the field is admitting less-deserving women simply to increase their numbers. In fact, these studies show that many of the women in science must be more capable than the men, to even have advanced in the field. And who wants to admit that?

Friday Nite Videos | August 25, 2017

Nuclear Waste | John Oliver. Guy Davis | 'Walk On'. ‘If Mexico Is Paying for the Wall, Why Shut Down the Government?' Weekend Update: Pete Davidson on Colin Kaepernick. Trump Pardons Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Nuclear Waste | John Oliver

Nuclear waste poses a serious threat to public health if it's not stored in a safe place. John Oliver explains why the United States desperately needs to build a metaphorical toilet for all that waste.

How Do I Safely View A Solar Eclipse?

Xochitl Garcia / Illustration by Carrie Lapolla Science Friday
On August 21, 2017, people across North America will be able to view either a total or partial solar eclipse. The last time most people in the U.S. were able to observe a total solar eclipse was 1991 and the next time won’t be until 2024! Here’s a guide to get you ready for the big event.

Friday Nite Videos | July 28, 2017

Detroit | Movie. What Is The Shape of Space? Russian Mob Money Helped Build Trump Business Empire. Bernie Sanders: GOP Is Now A Right-Wing Extremist Party. Why White Supremacists Love Tucker Carlson.

What Is The Shape of Space?

A collaboration with Jorge Cham (PhD comics) and Daniel Whiteson gives a mind-bending answer to a deceptively simple question. 

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