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Do Charles Darwin's Private Letters Contradict His Public Sexism?

Danuta Kean The Guardian
Today is Darwin Day (Charles Darwin was born February 12, 1809). A new book explores Darwin's public and private views on women. Apparently his views on women had not evolved as far as his views on the origin and development of life.

Elizabeth Warren - Nevertheless, She Persisted

Marcia Baczynski; Heidi Stevens Medium
She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted...Last night, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) spoke out against the nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) for attorney general, reading a letter from Coretta Scott King. In a highly unusual move, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) led a vote to silence Warren?-?a rebuke not extended to several of her male colleagues. It follows an old and very sexist playbook.

Notes From a Very Close Election

Bill Fletcher, Jr. Dissent
In the Trump era it is the movement that Sanders was part of coalescing that becomes key in building a resistance with a positive vision. One of the weaknesses of the Sanders message was its failure to unify matters of class with race and gender. This is about telling the right story about the United States. It is also a matter of tapping into significant social movements—Occupy; immigrant rights; LGBT, environmental justice; Black Lives Matter. This is where hope lies.

In Trump, Extremism Found Its Champion and Maybe Its Demise

Adam G. Klein The Conversation
Trump has empowered narratives that would otherwise have no place in electoral politics. Trump also forced America to see these threats in the light of day. That could be their undoing. Exposed, these guises of bigotry have been (or for progressives, must be) recognized, decoded and even classified – as the “alt-right” – by the press and public.

How Do I Tell My Daughter that America Elected a Racist, Sexist Bully?

Jessica Valenti The Guardian (UK)
My six-year-old fell asleep thinking Hillary Clinton would be the first female president. Now I have to explain to her why Donald Trump was chosen instead. The truth is that this shameful election result was backlash, pure and simple - a reaction to women's growing rights, racial progress and a cultural shift that no longer centers straight white men.

Why Trump's Male Chauvinism Appeals to Some Voters More Than Others

Lynn Prince Cooke The Conversation
Assuming that not even Donald Trump can destroy American democracy, the real challenge begins for whoever is sworn in as president on January 20 2017. Americans need more economic security for their enlightened sides to shine through again. This means more good jobs at living wages for men as well as women. Only then can the country begin to close the social chasms revealed and fueled by Trump’s campaign.

Not in My Locker Room

Dave Zirin The Nation
People like Donald Trump are the reason locker rooms can become an incubator of rape culture-and a fortress against anyone who would challenge it from the outside.
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