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Six Ways Trumpcare Makes Healthcare Worse (And One Way to Make It Better)

Labor for Single Payer Labor for Single Payer
The Affordable Care Act never really solved the healthcare crisis. It treated healthcare as a commodity allocated through market forces rather than as a public good and failed to address the profiteering at the core of our healthcare system, forcing it to use a series of confusing and convoluted mechanisms to expand heath insurance coverage and regulate health insurance providers.

Amid GOP Attacks on Health Care, the Movement for Single Payer Is Growing

MIchelle Chen Truthout
The Trump-induced health crisis could become an unforeseen opportunity for single-payer advocates: it just might spur a mass movement for a comprehensive government-run plan liberated from insurance markets and providing free, equal access, regardless of health or economic status.

Tidbits - December 29, 2016 - Reader Comments: Working People of All Colors; Retirement Inequality; No Rockettes and the Inauguration; UN Resolution; Anti-Russia Frenzy; History, Political Strategy; and more...

Reader Comments: Calling Working People of All Colors; The Scandal of Vast Inequality in Retirement Pay; Ohio Factory Workers Fight for a Union; No Rockettes Will Be Required to Perform at Inauguration; 25 Places That Raised the Minimum Wage in 2016; The UN Security Council Resolution; Israeli Hysteria Over UN Vote; Stop Fueling the Anti-Russia Frenzy; History, Political Strategy - for the Future; Resources; National Single Payer Strategy Conference; and more...

Bernie Sanders Releases Outline of Universal Health Care Plan—And It's Pretty Good

By Kevin Drum Mother Jones
Bernie’s plan will cover the entire continuum of health care, from inpatient to outpatient care; preventive to emergency care; primary care to specialty care, including long-term and palliative care; vision, hearing and oral health care; mental health and substance abuse services; as well as prescription medications, medical equipment, supplies, diagnostics and treatments. As a patient, all you need to do is go to the doctor and show your insurance card-you'll save $$$$$

National Single Payer Strategy Conference

As part of the National Single Payer Strategy Conference in Chicago, the Labor Campaign for Single Payer has released an important new briefing paper "Turning Chevys into Cadillacs: The ACA Excise Tax and the Future of Healthcare Bargaining". The conference was the biggest convening of Single Payer advocates ever in Chicago described as very exciting, great turnout and energy from union activists and leaders across the country.

Shummy's Surrender: Democratic Governor of Vermont Goes South On Single Payer

Steve Early Portside Exclusive
Yesterday Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin declared "now is not the right time" to proceed with any fundamental overhaul of health care financing and delivery in Vermont. He claimed the latest cost estimates for what's known locally as Green Mountain Care (GMC) were higher than originally projected, in a period when "slower recovery from the great recession has tightened the state budget. What Shumlin has championed for nearly five years was "just not affordable" anymore.
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