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Tidbits - January 26, 2017 - Reader Comments: Standing Against Trump - Defending Immigrants and the Massive Women's March; How Big Were the Marches; The '60s-Years that Changed America-Carnegie Hall Festival; and more...

Reader Comments: Standing Against Trump - Defending Immigrants and the Massive Women's March; How Big Were the Marches - links to local stories; March Size and City Population - Who Had the Best Turnout?; Marching in Pensacola, Florida After the Hurricane; Elizabeth Gurley Flynn-The Rebel Girl; Announcements: Fighting Fascism-Remembering the Abraham Lincoln Brigade; The '60s-The Years that Changed America Carnegie Hall Festival; and more...

Investigating Law Enforcement’s Possible Use of Surveillance Technology at Standing Rock

Stephanie Lacambra Electronic Frontier Foundation
One of the biggest protests of 2016 is still underway at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota, where Water Protectors and their allies are fighting Energy Transfer Partners’ plans to drill beneath contested Treaty land to finish the Dakota Access Pipeline. EFF has been tracking the effects of its surveillance technologies on water protectors’ communications and movement.

Snowstorm Slams Water Protectors; After the Standing Rock Victory, What Next for Water Protectors?

Theresa Braine; Andy Pearson Indian Country Today
This decision is everything we had asked for: a non-granting of the easement, initiating an Environmental Impact Study, and suggestive of a reroute, Standing Rock Sioux Chairman David Archambault II said. 'We got it! Energy Transfer Partners will face an uphill battle in trying to dismantle the process initiated by this decision.' And, if the camp stays where it is currently located, people are risking their lives. The current weather is severe, making travel impossible.

Tidbits - December 8, 2016 - Reader Comments: Standing Rock-Tremendous Victory; Trump Changed Everything; What Next for the Left; Remembering Fidel; Why You Support Portside; Labor Scholarships; March for Immigrants....

Reader Comments: Standing Rock - Tremendous Victory to Start Trump Presidency; Trump Changed Everything; What Next for the Left; Remembering Fidel Castro and his Impact Worldwide and in the U.S.; Jobs, Shorter Work Week; Chelsea Manning; Tondalo Hall imprisonment; We Need Each Other - Why People Should Support Portside; Announcements: UMASS Labor Scholarships; Make $15 Real Under Trump; New York March for Immigrants

The Victory at Standing Rock Could Mark a Turning Point

Bill McKibben The Guardian
When native American protesters sat down in front of bulldozers to try and protect ancestral graves, they were met with attack dogs – the pictures looked like Birmingham, Alabama, circa 1963. But it went back further than that: the encampment, with its teepees and woodsmoke hovering in the valley, looked like something out of an 1840s painting. But this was not just one tribe. The flags of more than 200 Indian nations lined the rough dirt entrance road.

Friday Nite Videos -- December 2, 2016

Creedence Clearwater Revival | Fortunate Son (Lyrics). 638 Ways To Kill Castro. Do Not Resist (Documentary). Your Dog Understands More Than You Think. #Veteran Stand for #StandingRock.

#Veteran Stand for #StandingRock

Thousands of veterans are traveling to Standing Rock to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline — and this man is leading them

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