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United States of Surveillance

Snuggly the Security Bear and Obama have been busier than we all thought in the United States of Surveillance. After the revelations by whistleblower Edward Snowden, we know more about the full extent of NSA domestic spying.

From Ike to “The Matrix”: Welcome to the American dystopia

Andrew O'Hehir Salon
We live in a country that embodies three different dystopian archetypes at once: America is partly a panopticon surveillance-and-security state, as in Orwell, partly an anesthetic and amoral consumer wonderland, as in Huxley, and partly a grand rhetorical delusion or “spectacle,” as in Dick or “The Matrix” or certain currents of French philosophy.

David Brooks, Tom Friedman, Bill Keller Wish Snowden Had Just Followed Orders

Norman Solomon Nation of Change Human Rights
This month, not only with words but also with actions, Edward Snowden is transcending the moral limits of authority and insisting that we can fully defend the Bill of Rights, emphatically including the Fourth Amendment. What a contrast with New York Times columnists David Brooks, Thomas Friedman and Bill Keller, who have responded to Snowden’s revelations by siding with the violators of civil liberties at the top of the U.S. government.
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