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Tidbits - June 13, 2019 - Reader Comments: Impeachment; New immigrant children facility opened; Climate Crisis; Puerto Rico; Sanders and Palestine; Airline Mechanics; Teachers; $15 Minimum Wage; Gun Worship; Chile and the TPP; more.....

Reader Comments: Impeachment; New immigrant children facility opened; Climate Crisis; Puerto Rico; Sanders and Palestine; Airline Mechanics; Teachers; $15 Minimum Wage; Gun Worship; Chile and the TPP - Report from Chile; `Cultural Marxism'; more.....

How US Foreign Policy Spawned Terror and Trump

Rod Such The Electronic Intifada
book cover The Management of Savagery: How America’s National Security State Fueled the Rise of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Donald Trump by Max Blumenthal, Verso Books (2019)

Trump's Trade War With China Is Waged to Make the Rich Richer

Dean Baker Truthout
Donald Trump seems determined to double down and keep pressing forward on his trade war with China. He promises more and higher tariffs, not realizing that U.S. consumers are the ones paying these taxes - not China's government or corporations.

Arctic Word Games or Indigenous Survival?

Mark Trahant Indian Country Today
Indigenous leaders call climate change an urgent threat that requires a global response (an idea that was trashed by the Trump administration).

Barr Lied to Congress. That’s a Crime. No One is Above the Law

Congressman Jerrold Nadler U.S. House Committee on The Judiciary
The Administration may not dictate the terms of a hearing...Every member of this Committee—Democrat and Republican alike—should understand the consequences when the executive branch tells us that they will simply ignore a lawful subpoena...

Venezuela: U.S. Coup Fails, Is Intervention Next?

Uri Friedman; Peace Action The Atlantic
U.S.-backed Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó launched an attempted coup. Dozens of people were injured in the bedlam that ensued. Guadió was hoping enough military leaders would defect, toppling the government of Nicolás Maduro. It flopped.
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