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The End of Lean Production… and What’s Ahead

Kim Moody Labor Notes
Companies like Target are following Amazon’s lead, seeking to control inventory levels and outpace their rivals by creating dense networks of facilities and adding vehicles.


A Valedictory Recommendation for What Unions Need To Do

Harold Meyerson The American Prospect
Taylor voiced both a cautious optimism about his union’s trajectory, and some frustration at the labor movement’s hesitation to exploit the unusually pro-union climate now abroad in the land.


Workplace Militancy Isn’t Enough for Labor

Bob Master Jacobin
The uptick in high-profile strikes in recent years has been heartening. But sustaining and expanding the gains won by that militancy will require careful strategizing and deep political engagement that starts with but goes beyond the shop floor.


Why Is It So Hard To Unionize a Bar? It’s Complicated.

Gabe Del Valle Punch
Death & Co.’s recent union drive could have made history. But the failed effort underscores the challenges that come with unionizing bar staff, even as restaurants, cafés and hotels see an uptick in labor organizing.


The Path to Victory for Southern Autoworkers

Shawn Fain UAW
This isn’t about power, It’s about control. Without a Union contract, they have all the control. You have the power. You just have to recognize it and use it. Let’s walk a new path for working-class people together in solidarity.
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