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U.S. ‘Counterterrorism’ in Africa Has Failed. What’s the Alternative?

By William Minter, Elizabeth Schmidt Responsible Statecraft.
Western counterterrorism policy in the Sahel has failed, being both over-militarized and ineffective. All suggest, in slightly varying language, that policy must be “rebalanced” or “rethought” to emphasize diplomacy and good governance.

Stumbling into War?

Michael Klare Tom Dispatch
Could the U.S. and China Face an Unintended Blowup in the Western Pacific in the Biden Years?

Five Lessons From Israel’s Election

Jonathan Cook The Electronic Intifada
With the triumph of the far-right in Israel, the backing of “peace partners” in the Gulf, and no likely obstruction from the White House whoever its occupant, the Palestinians have become a non-issue.
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