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GOP Embraces Trump and His Steal Elections Strategy

Max Elbaum Organizing Upgrade
This is a battle between those who want to ensure permanent white minority rule vs. all those who believe this country must become a multiracial democracy. It’s daily trench warfare on every front, with USA's future if not the entire planet at stake.

After the Muslim Ban

Domenica Ghanem Otherwords
demonstration against Mulim ban In short, ending the Muslim ban should begin a bigger process of healing the harms this long-term dehumanization has caused.

The Continuing Korean War in the Murderous History of Bombing

Tim Beal Monthly Review
These themes resonate today: need to limit casualties among “our” troops, who are not necessarily white, though the people who control them usually are; the pretense that “precision bombing” differentiates between “lawbreakers” and “innocents."
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