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With Ads, Imagery and Words, Republicans Inject Race Into Campaigns

Jonathan Weisman New York Times
Running ads portraying Black candidates as soft on crime — or as “different” or “dangerous” — Republicans have shed quiet defenses of such tactics for unabashed defiance. For the Trumpers it was always about all about race.

Time for the Big October Push To Beat the Right

Eddie Wong Convergence Magazine
The heat is on: Early voting has started. MAGA candidates are running strong. It’s not too late to get involved. Increasing numbers of votes for Democrats in battleground states helps lay the groundwork for more sweeping victories later. Here’s how.


Sixties Radicals Recall Fighting Times in US Labor

Steve Early Portside
The University of Wisconsin at Madison was a hotbed of student radicalism in the 1960s. and left-wing activists there were among the first of their generation to organize around issues related to their own mis-treatment as workers.

The Fight for Voting Rights Won’t End

Joel McNally Shepherd Express (Milwaukee)
What can all of us do now to overcome opposition to voting rights from two Democrats, all 50 Republican senators and nearly all 212 Republican House members?

Generations of Struggle: Lessons on Defending Democracy

Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis TomDispatch
Poor People's Campaign members understand that what's really underway in this country is a struggle between democracy and potential autocracy or, as Martin Luther King once put it, between community and chaos.


Private-Equity ‘Vampires’ Run Into a Wall of Worker Resistance

Roger Bybee The Progressive
Members of IUE-CWA Local 84811 have launched a major campaign against the plant closing, displaying an attitude not seen nearly enough in the U.S. labor movement, which has witnessed 91,000 plant closings across the country since 1997.
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