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The Harsh and Unjust Punishment of Marc Lamont Hill

David Palumbo-Liu The Nation
The attacks are a threat to academic freedom and the criticism of Israeli human-rights abuses. CNN should immediately reinstate its former commentator; it should not cave in to the idea that criticizing Israel is anti-Semitic or hate speech.

The New Attack on Linda Sarsour Is With Vile Lies

Linda Sarsour; Bend the Arc; Allison Kaplan Sommer (in Haaretz) Haaretz (Israel)
Linda Sarsour: The constant defamation of my character is more than any one human being can bear. Bend the Arc: We are disgusted by concerted efforts to spread lies about Linda Sarsour’s sincere support for the victims of the Tree of Life shooting...


The Sea is the Same Sea: A Biography of Netanyahu

Adam Shatz London Review of Books
Biography of a world-class reactionary fixer who has thus far immobilized the Israeli left, won over Sunni Arab states paralyzed by fear of Shia Iran and is poised to become the longest serving prime minister is Israeli history.

There Is a Coordinated Campaign to Suppress Criticism of Israel

Azadeh Shahshahani In These Times
A new law introduced in the U.S. Congress seeks to clamp down on criticism of Israel at the expense of First Amendment rights. The unconstitutional bill, titled the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act of 2018, conflates criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism


BDS Versus Settler-Colonialism

Alan Wald Against the Current
Two books posit the BDS movement fighting Israeli aggression against Palestinians as the worthy extension of more than a century of opposition to white supremacy, colonialism, and the kindred pariah status Jews suffered under European fascism.

The Dangers of Conflating Anti-Zionism With Anti-Semitism

Donna Nevel Truthout
We cannot ignore the structures of oppression within Zionism. A recent article in the Forward that asserts, claiming most Jews support Zionism, if you leave out Zionism from social justice struggles, then you are saying Jews aren’t welcome.

Nine Stops on a Long Road: One Jew’s Journey

Judith Mahoney Pasternak Tikkun
I am the Jewish teenager who wore the Star of David to make sure everyone knew she was a Jew. I am my mother, who taught her children that no one is free unless everyone is free... For all those Jews, for Israeli Jews, for Palestinians, and for the world, I am the anti-Zionist Jew.

The Future of the Nakba

Joseph Massad The Electronic Intifada
The Zionist conquest of Palestine, which began haphazardly in the early 1880s and intensified after the turn of the century, reaching its apogee with British invasion and occupation of the country before the conclusion of World War I, was the inaugural moment of what became known as the Nakba.
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