Media Bits and Bytes -- October Surprises Edition
People Are Worried About DHS Plans To Gather Social Media Info - Adolfo Flores (BuzzFeed)
DOJ Demands Facebook Information From 'Anti-Administration Activists' - Jessica Schneider (CNN)
Radio Stations With a Sense of Community - Ben Fong-Torres (San Francisco Chronicle)
Comic Books That Put the Pow in Political Power - George Gene Gustines (New York Times)
Ajit Pai Gets New Term on FCC Despite Protest of Anti-Net Neutrality Plan
By Jon Brodkin
October 2, 2017
Pai's re-nomination had drawn a "fire FCC Chairman Ajit Pai" petition from consumer advocacy group Free Press, as well as opposition from Democrats during debate on the Senate floor last week.
People Are Worried About DHS Plans To Gather Social Media Info
By Adolfo Flores
September 25, 2017
Federal officials are planning to collect social media information on all immigrants, including permanent residents and naturalized citizens, a move that has alarmed lawyers and privacy groups worried about how the information will be used.
DOJ Demands Facebook Information From 'Anti-Administration Activists'
By Jessica Schneider
September 30, 2017
The warrants specifically target the accounts of three Facebook users who are described by their attorneys as "anti-administration activists who have spoken out at organized events, and who are generally very critical of this administration's policies."
Corporate Media Analysts’ Indifference to US Journalists Facing 70 Years in Prison
By Adam Johnson
September 26, 2017
The attack on the press that kicked off the Trump administration—the arrest and subsequent threatening of two journalists with 70 years in prison—has been met with total silence from most major outlets.
Radio Stations With a Sense of Community
By Ben Fong-Torres
September 27, 2017
With small signals and limited budgets, community stations rely on volunteers to fill the airwaves and on listeners for donations. But many potential listeners simply don’t know about them.
Comic Books That Put the Pow in Political Power
By George Gene Gustines
July 18, 2017
A range of comics and cartoon books are reacting to the currentpolitical climate. The vast majority are left-leaning, with depictions that are allegorical and sibversive, addressing immigration, class and the White House itself.