Dispatches From the Culture Wars - January 29, 2019

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Anti-Assimilation Claims Haunt Latinos, Asians

By Russell Contreras 
January 28, 2019
Associated Press

Beliefs that Hispanics and Asians living in the U.S. won't assimilate or refuse to speak English are based on stereotypes that scholars say are linked to notions of white supremacy. 


It Started As a Viral Tweet 

By Emily Stewart  
January 24, 2019

Viral footage of white Catholic students clashing with a Native American man after the March for Life anti-abortion rally  turned into a politically charged controversy.

Campaign Workers Demand Minimum Wage, Progressive Culture From 2020 Dems

By Katie Glueck and Alex Roarty
January 22, 2019

There is an intensifying conviction among progressive operatives that internal campaign culture should reflect the very values that 2020 Democratic hopefuls passionately tout on the trail.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Crusher of Sacred Cows 

By Matt Taibbi
January 21, 2019
Rolling Stone

With its silly swipes at AOC, the American political establishment is once again revealing its blindness to its own unpopularity.

The Unfinished Business of Bernie Sanders 

By Jason Zengerle
January 24, 2019 

Now that Sanders wields such enormous power in Democratic politics, the question is, what’s he going to do with it? 

Glad the Shutdown’s Over? Thank Workers, Not Just Nancy Pelosi 

By Sarah Jones
January 25, 2019
New York Magazine

Trump announced his deal hours after air traffic controllers brought flights in several of the nation’s busiest airports to a crawl.

Source URL: https://portside.org/2019-01-29/dispatches-culture-wars-january-29-2019