Tidbits - Aug. 22, 2019 - Reader Comments: Israel Bans Omar and Tlaib; 'Political Center'-Dangerous Myth; Trump's Union Crowd?; NAACP for Impeachment; Emma Lazarus; Immigrant Labor; Trump Copying Hitler; New Resource: The 1619 Project; more....

Re: Shameful, Unprecedented Move - Israel Bans Omar and Tlaib; Reactions of Politicians, Foreign Policy Experts, MPower Change; J Street; U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights; What You Can Do (William Cutlip; Howie Leveton; Tom Trumper; Rashida Tlaib)
Re: Here's Why the 'Political Center' is a Dangerous Myth - And How It Could Cost Democrats the 2020 Election (Daniel Millstone; Richard Hoyen; Robert Politzer; Jenny Kastner)
Re: Trump's Large Union Crowd at Shell (Tom Caves; Phyllis Aldrich; Disraelly Gutierrez Jaime; Ernesto Cortes Laguna; Ginny McDavid; Kevin Wiltsie; Brian Hill; Neal Charness; Rob Crowson)
NAACP Urges Congress To Begin Impeachment Proceedings Against President Donald J Trump Immediately
Emma Lazarus Poem on the Statute of Liberty - Revised by Ken Cuccinelli and Donald Trump -- cartoon by Peter Kuper
Cuccinelli -- cartoon by Randall Enos
Re: Why It's Immigrants Who Pack Your Meat (UMass Lowell Labor Education Program; Nikki Palacios; David Bacon; Gary McKinney)
Re: Stop Blaming Mental Illness (Frank Giger Mark Dougherty)
Re: Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler's Early Rhetoric and Policies (Disraelly Gutierrez Jaime; Emory Thompson; Judyth Hollub)
Re: Wealthy, White, and Over 50: The Demographics of the Democratic Presidential Donors (G Steve Mills)
Re: Fascist Forces are Growing Support in Germany (Heather Cottin)
Trade War Bull -- cartoon by Rob Rogers
Re: Workers Seize the Shipyard That Built the Titanic, Plan to Make Renewable Energy There (Lawrence Taylor)
Re: The Student Movement Standing Up to the Honduran Regime (Paco Valencia)
Re: Socialists of Color to the Front (María Lopez)
When You have More Than You Need -- woodcut by Jen Bloomer
Re: Denmark Offers to Buy U.S. (Hans von Sponeck; eliza; Nina Felshin; Ninotchka Rosca)
Re: Daybreak Express | D.A. Pennebaker / Duke Ellington - Friday Nite Videos (Carl Davidson)
The New York Times Magazine Presents The 1619 Project
Letter to Israeli Officials Protesting Israeli Attacks On Palestinians' Academic Freedom (Historians for Peace and Democracy and Academia for Equality)
Climate Emergency & Green New Deal-Centering Voices of Movements - Bronx - September 5 (Bronx Climate Justice North)
Save the Date: Oct 4th is the Laundry Workers Center 2019 Community Gala (Laundry Workers Center)
Another example of Trump being critical of Americans and siding with a foreign power against them.
William Cutlip
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
What are they afraid of?
Howie Leveton
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
But he supports someone who likes Nazi's
Tom Trumper
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Thanks. These reported findings are consistent with earlier work.
This essay makes the (fairly well established) case that there are no neutrals here. Polling has long suggested to me that the center does not hold (sorry). The argument should sway those of us who think the path to defeating the right is to embrace right and center Democrats. Does it?
Daniel Millstone
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
But. It's good for the media to suggest it. It's plays well with their script.
Richard Hoyen
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
I really don't believe that this is true. It is the suburban voters, most of whom are Independent, that swing national elections and these are hardly hard-Left voters.
Robert Politzer
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
The "Political Center" is a canard, spread by right-wing Democrats who want anyone but Bernie, the people's choice!
Jenny Kastner
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Trump's Large Union Crowd at Shell
(posting on Portside Labor)
They were also being paid.
Tom Caves
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Just like a good little dictator
Phyllis Aldrich
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
That's no excuse. If I was there my two options were to protest or not to show. Shame for those who in some way make the event possible.
Disraelly Gutierrez Jaime
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Only way to get a FULL house
Ernesto Cortes Laguna
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Which state? Article says Beaver County and ends with "the largest construction project in the state" but there is no reference to which state this Shell plant is in.
Ginny McDavid
President, Harris County AFL-CIO (greater Houston area)
Moderator response: Beaver County, Pennsylvania
Are you sure the union leaders agreed to that and if they did they are not true union people.
Kevin Wiltsie
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
How long before he starts putting actual guns to people's heads?
Brian Hill
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Shell is a Dutch company. Isn't paying workers to attend a campaign rally a donation from a foreign company-unless you believe this wasn't a campaign rally.
Neal Charness
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
And so the truth comes out!! But I knew there would be idiots that would misrepresent the truth. Put a "Spin" on it?! And yeah you know who you are!!! Pitiful
Rob Crowson
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
NAACP Urges Congress To Begin Impeachment Proceedings Against President Donald J Trump Immediately
The delegates to the NAACP (National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People) National Annual Convention voted unanimously on July 22, 2019, to support an emergency resolution calling for impeachment proceedings against President Donald J. Trump. Specifically, the resolution cited that through his racist, xenophobic, and homophobic words and actions President Trump has "brought the high office of the President of the United States in contempt, ridicule, disgrace, and disrepute," and he "has sown seeds of discord among the people of the United States," and finally that he "has demonstrated that he is unfit to be President."
The NAACP resolution also commends Congressman Al Green (TX) for his consistent efforts to rally the sentiments of the US House of Representatives behind the impeachment of President Trump. Specifically, Congressman Green has introduced H. Res. 489, which cites that President Trump is "unfit to represent the American values of decency and morality, respectability and civility, honesty and propriety, reputability and integrity..."
While the impeachment process itself does not mean an individual is removed from office, it would bring the President's divisive vitriol, and the House of Representative's disapproval of his conduct, into the open. If the majority of the House of Representatives, or at least 218 Members, through hearings and investigations, finds the President's actions or words impeachable, the resolution of impeachment then goes to the U.S. Senate, where a trial is held. After the trial, a vote is taken and if 2/3 of the Senators (66) vote to impeach the President, he is then forced to leave office
Read the full NAACP resolution here
National Headquarters
4805 Mt. Hope Drive
Baltimore MD 21215
Local: (410) 580-5777
Toll Free: (877) NAACP-98
Peter Kuper,
August 14, 2019
The New Yorker
Cuccinelli -- cartoon by Randall Enos
Randall Enos
August 16, 2019
[Randall Enos is an American illustrator and cartoonist, born in New Bedford, Massachusetts. Throughout his career, which began in the 1960s, Enos has worked mostly in linocuts. His work has appeared in the National Lampoon (where he produced the monthly strip Chicken Gutz in the 1970s), The Nation, the New York Times, Playboy, Time, Sports Illustrated, The Atlantic, Rolling Stone and other publications.
Enos has taught at colleges and art schools including Parsons School of Design, Philadelphia University of the Arts, RISD, Syracuse University, and others and has illustrated many books, including children's books. Enos, being from New Bedford is interested in whaling history and collects whaling memorabilia, collaborated with Brian Heinz on the 2014 book Mocha Dick, contributing his abstract-folkish visual interpretations to the picture-book, a depiction of the historical whale which inspired the novel Moby Dick.]
Re: Why It's Immigrants Who Pack Your Meat
(posting on Portside Labor)
"In the poultry industry, location is a labor practice."
UMass Lowell Labor Education Program
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
I can attest to the truthfulness of this. I worked for Border City Foods in Ft Smith AR, Simmons Foods in Van Buren AR, Tyson in Fayetteville AR, and OK Foods in Heavener OK. All of these companies do the same thing. They send recruiters to find migrants who will work for much less and that they know can't report any wrongdoing, they have trailer parks in Van Buren, Heavener, and Sallisaw to house them which are terrible and make them pay rent for it, and they have "medical clinics" on site as a "bonus" when in reality it's so none of the workers go to the hospital when they're hurt or sick. It's commonly known. A check cashing van pulls up every Friday to cash their checks because for some the only ID they have is their employee ID. And law enforcement in Van Buren waits at the 4 way stop every Friday on payday to pull them over and extort them. Law enforcement and politicians here are very aware of what's going on and profit off it. The owners of these companies are never punished.
Nikki Palacios
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
It is factually incorrect to say that employers broke the conditions of the workers by hiring immigrants. This is the anti-immigrant narrative you hear from the Center for Immigration Studies. In fact, the conditions were broken some years before by a longterm employer strategy, which included breaking up the master agreements (remember P-9?), changes in production, especially boxed meat, geographic relocation out of the cities where unions and workers were stronger, and the union companies going bellyup while non-union ones mushroomed. There were very bitter strikes fought over this from the late 60s to the early 80s. Hiring large numbers of immigrants was a consequence, not a cause - and employers tried as hard as they could to pit this new workforce against the old one. Schlosser got his history wrong, and contributes to the narrative of "immigrants as the cause of low wages."
Immigrants were the main people who wound up fighting to bring conditions back up. They resisted Operation Vanguard in Nebraska, which was used to fire thousands of workers, including those groups trying to reorganize at work. The highpoint was Smithfield Foods in Tarheel, where immigrants stopped the plant several times, went on strike against immigration-related firings, and then were arrested for document fraud to break their effort. The Agriprocessors raid in Postville, which got so much press (not from Schlosser though), came after workers tried to organize there too. Schlosser depicts immigrants as victims, and feels sorry for them, but can't see them as people who struggle to change their reality. When he first went to Watsonville in the 90s, and decided to write about small Latino growers, at the time when the huge strawberry worker organizing effort was starting. He did not cover it.
"What Trump has described as an immigrant "invasion" was actually a corporate recruitment drive for poor, vulnerable, undocumented, often desperate workers." Pitying workers like this is demeaning. Even more problematic is its failure to cover accurately what the Trump administration's policy actually is. Trump favors guest worker programs that are expanding rapidly in agriculture and food production. This is not so different from what we've seen before under Bush, for instance, who used raids against workers who are here (including in the same towns in Mississippi), and then told employers to bring in guest workers to replace them.
Of course meatpacking is dangerous and injures workers, and of course the administration is gutting OSHA. Big news. What is missing in his piece is any sense that workers are doing anything about it. The ones fighting the Mississippi raids the hardest are the folks at the Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance, organized by Black people and unions - people like Jim Evans and Bill Chandler and Patricia Ice. Workers in the raided plants were mostly union members, and some of the unions there are good ones. No mention of any of this, of course. Instead, what we get is liberal pity and handwringing.
"Over the years, I've spent time with countless farmworkers and meatpacking workers who entered the United States without proper documentation. Almost all of them were hardworking and deeply religious." This is liberal stereotyping. The hardworking, god-fearing immigrant. Give me a break. And Schlosser has spent time with countless numbers of them.
David Bacon
Lock up the owner and managers not the immigrants
Gary McKinney
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Stop Blaming Mental Illness
Because well adjusted, mentally healthy people try and kill multiple people - it's the evil spirits of firearms that possess them.
Frank Giger
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Is it not a search for something to blame. Like when god asked eve if they had eaten of the forbidden tree.
And she said the serpent suggested it?
Mark Dougherty
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Leading Civil Rights Lawyer Shows 20 Ways Trump Is Copying Hitler's Early Rhetoric and Policies
The author of a new book, Burt Neuborne, is one of America's top civil liberties lawyers, and questions whether federal government can contain Trump and GOP power grabs
Disraelly Gutierrez Jaime
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Yeah. Students of history hate being a students of history surrounded by the ignorant. It feels like being a sentinel on a wall with barbarians at the gates, below the gates, and behind us in the city itself.
Emory Thompson
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Excerpts from this article (you should read the whole thing):
"A younger Trump, according to his first wife's divorce filings, kept and studied a book translating and annotating Adolf Hitler's pre-World War II speeches in a locked bedside cabinet.
"Much of Trump's rhetoric-as a candidate and in office-mirrors the strategies, even the language, used by Adolf Hitler in the early 1930s to erode German democracy.
"Trump is following the well-known contours of authoritarian populists and dictators: there's always a charismatic leader, a disaffected mass, an adroit use of communications media, economic insecurity, racial or religious fault lines, xenophobia, a turn to violence, and a search for scapegoats."
Judyth Hollub
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Wealthy, White, and Over 50: The Demographics of the Democratic Presidential Donors
Will be sending my contribution after the primaries.
#ABT2020 Anybody but Trump 2020. Morality matters to me. The RRRR Religious Right Radicalized Republicans elected a draft dodging money loving adulterous liar. Morality mattered in the past. Morality matters now. Morality will matter in the future. #ABT2020
G Steve Mills
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Fascist Forces are Growing Support in Germany
Fabulous Fascist Fiestas! They are coordinated, you know. This is not random.
Heather Cottin
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Trade War Bull -- cartoon by Rob Rogers
Rob Rogers
August 15, 2019
Re: Workers Seize the Shipyard That Built the Titanic, Plan to Make Renewable Energy There
I am an American Chiropractor working in Switzerland but have been a militant for renewable energy for almost 50 years. I was frustrated at the slowness of Swiss and European industry to really move to renewable energy so I formed a company called Windyday Concept. But the powerful oil lobby and financial sector have been repressing the message.
My idea was to have worker coop factories in all cities on all continents to build batteries, solar panels, wind and tide turbines, tiny homes as well as the training. Another aspect would be to have local farms with the planting of hemp, linseed and bamboo to help us replace plastics. I have been writing around the world trying to have this put in place with zero results.
I was overjoyed to read about Harland & Woolf Shipyards that are fighting for their rights in Belfast and am in the process of contacting them. I hope that you take this mail seriously since we are heading into very troubling times and need to change our ways.
Lawrence Taylor
Re: The Student Movement Standing Up to the Honduran Regime
Zelaya's government was center-left not center -right
Paco Valencia
Re: Socialists of Color to the Front
Keep on ...
We shall overcome !!!!
María Lopez
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
When You have More Than You Need -- woodcut by Jen Bloomer
Jen Bloomer
Radici Studios
[Jen Bloomer is the founder of Radici Studios. She has painted and taught art in Guatemala, Chile, Italy, Eritrea, Kenya, Thailand, India, Colorado and California. After earning a BA in International Studies at Middlebury College in Vermont, she completed a Post Baccalaureate Certificate in Painting at SACI in Florence, Italy, and a Masters Degree in Expressive Arts Therapy from the California Institute of Integral Studies. For the last fifteen years, Jen has worked with people of all ages and backgrounds giving space for them to find their unique creative voice in the world through the arts. She believes that using creativity to share our truths and the act of listening to one another's stories are an essential means to a more equitable world. She lives and works in San Francisco with her Eritrean-Italian husband and two children.]
Re: Denmark Offers to Buy U.S.
I suggest some crowd funding to which I would happily contribute!
Hans von Sponeck
in Germany
I love Andy Borowitz. so few people who understand irony and satire. bless you,
Too bad, in my opinion, that Borowitz's bio is longer than the spoof by more than 25 words. For someone like myself, a curator of contemporary art who believes that subversive humor is critically important to making political art accessible to a larger number of people and who has worked on several Yes Men projects, I think his choice to foreground himself, not only clued everyone in to that fact it was a spoof but also turned it in to something that was as much about him as the contents of the piece. So in the end he didn't fool anyone. Just some thought I couldn't resist communicating.
Nina Felshin
Yes please.
Universal health care & child care.
Ninotchka Rosca
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
Re: Daybreak Express | D.A. Pennebaker / Duke Ellington
(posting on Friday Nite Videos)
On the first video with non-vocal music, we have to tip our hat to Pittsburgh's Billie Strayhorn, a Black gay jazz genius recognized by Duke, who wanted him to come to meet with him in NYC, and gave him a note that included the instruction 'Take the A Train' to get to Harlem. Billie repaid Duke by writing up a tune with that title and giving it to him. The rest is musical history.
Carl Davidson
Posted on Portside's Facebook page
The New York Times Magazine Presents The 1619 Project
Four hundred years ago, on August 20, 1619, a ship carrying about 20 enslaved Africans arrived in Point Comfort, a coastal port in the British colony of Virginia. Though America did not even exist yet, their arrival marked its foundation, the beginning of the system of slavery on which the country was built. In August, The New York Times Magazine will observe this anniversary with a special project that examines the many ways the legacy of slavery continues to shape and define life in the United States.
The 1619 Project is a major initiative from The New York Times observing the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery. It aims to reframe the country's history, understanding 1619 as our true founding, and placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of black Americans at the very center of the story we tell ourselves about who we are.

Our democracy's founding ideals were false when they were written. Black Americans have fought to make them true. by Nikole Hannah-Jones
- In order to understand the brutality of American capitalism, you have to start on the plantation. by Matthew Desmond
- Myths about physical racial differences were used to justify slavery - and are still believed by doctors today. by Linda Villarosa
- America holds onto an undemocratic assumption from its founding: that some people deserve more power than others. by Jamelle Bouie
- For centuries, black music has been the sound of artistic freedom. No wonder everybody's always stealing it. by Wesley Morris
- What does a traffic jam in Atlanta have to do with segregation? Quite a lot. by Kevin Kruse
- Why doesn't the United States have universal health care? The answer begins with policies enacted after the Civil War. The answer has everything to do with race. by Jeneen Interlandi
- Slavery gave America a fear of black people and a taste for violent punishment. Both still define our prison system. by Bryan Stevenson
- The sugar that saturates the American diet has a barbaric history as the `white gold' that fueled slavery. by Khalil Gibran Muhammad
- A vast wealth gap, driven by segregation, redlining, evictions and exclusion, separates black and white America. by Trymaine Lee
This is the beginning of The 1619 Project. We will be publishing more stories in the days and weeks to come.
In recent years, Israel has been placing increasing restrictions on the ability of international scholars to work at Palestinian universities in the West Bank and Gaza. These restrictions have resulted in a sharp decrease in the number of international academics in Palestinian universities, and threaten to hinder Palestinian students' access to quality higher education. H-Pad has joined Palestinian, Israeli, and international organizations in condemning these restrictive measure and demanding that the Israeli government lift them.
Please join us in supporting Palestinian academic freedom by signing this petition, organized by Academia for Equality.
H-PAD has sent the letter below to Israeli officials to protest Israeli attacks on Palestinians' academic freedom.
We, scholars and academics in the United States and members of Historians for Peace and Democracy (H-PAD), write to protest the continuing Israeli infringement on Palestinians' academic freedom through the restrictions imposed on faculty members at Palestinian universities in the West Bank and Gaza who are foreign nationals. Over the past three years, by placing a wide range of arbitrary demands and conditions for obtaining re-entry visas that allow their employment in Palestinian universities, Israeli authorities have further undermined the ability of international academic personnel to work at Palestinian universities. In addition, Israeli authorities have increasingly denied visas to academics scheduled for employment in Palestinian universities. These measures have significantly hindered the course of academic life in Palestinian higher education.
As a result of these measures, faculty members and universities face continuing uncertainty. Some faculty members have had to leave before the end of the academic year, while others remain in legal limbo, unable to leave given the absence of assurances that they would be allowed to return to the West Bank. Over the previous two academic years (2016/2017 and 2017/2018), Israeli authorities denied 12 entries into the country and at least 20 academics are currently facing obstacles to extending/securing visas. Under these conditions, there has been a sharp decrease in the number of international academics in Palestinian universities. At Birzeit University alone, twelve departments or affiliated institutions now face losing faculty members in the coming academic year.
As Adalah - the Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel has argued, Israeli practices are contrary to international law. They are also in clear violation of academic freedom. They are unacceptable. They have devastating short- and long-term effects on Palestinian universities. They will limit the development of the universities' teaching, research, and academic-scientific publications, and hinder Palestinian students' access to quality higher education.
We condemn the ongoing constraints imposed by the Israeli authorities on higher education in the Palestinian territories and we urge Israeli authorities to end this discriminatory policy immediately. We call upon the Israeli government to lift the restrictions preventing international academics from staying and working in the West Bank and refrain from imposing arbitrary restrictions on the duration of stay for international academics.
Margaret Power and Van Gosse,
Historians for Peace and Democracy
Please join Bronx Climate Justice North and a growing list of co-hosts (see below), for an important panel discussion envisioning the strongest possible Green New Deal from the perspective of social movements -- Progressive Labor, Environmental Justice, Indigenous Peoples, Climate Youth, and Ecosocialism.
There have been terrific NYC events on the Green New Deal since last winter. This event will lift the voices of social movements. We will prioritize the needs and the demands of people on the front lines of the climate crisis in New York City, New York State, the United States, and around the world -- those who are suffering "first and worst" from the climate emergency and who must be the ones to shape the future. We will also center the radical, creative struggles for climate and economic justice and democracy in Puerto Rico -- September 2019 will mark the second anniversary of Hurricane Maria's landfall on the island.
Doors open at 6:30 pm
To help us keep track of attendance, PLEASE RSVP HERE
- Jonathan Soto -- Assoc. VP of Strategic Initiatives, Union Theological Seminary; Human rights activist and community organizer; Formed Bronx Long Term Recovery Group after Hurricane Sandy and coordinated disaster recovery services by NYC to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria
- Sean Sweeney -- Trade Unions for Energy Democracy; Director of International Program for Labor, Climate, and Environment, CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies--The Murphy Institute
- Alexandria Villaseñor -- 14-year-old Founder and Executive Director, Earth Uprising; Co-Founder, U.S. Youth Climate Strike
- Mychal Johnson -- Co-Founder, South Bronx Unite; Board of Directors, Mott Haven-Port Morris Community Land Stewards, Bronx
- Roberto Mukaro Borrero -- Kasike (Chief), Guainía Taíno Tribe; President, United Confederation of Taíno People; President, Friends of Brook Park, Bronx
- Mark Dunlea -- Chair, Green Education and Legal Fund; 2010 Co-author of the Green New Deal in U.S.; Co-coordinator of the Campaign for 100% Renewables by 2030 / Off Fossil Fuels Now
- Judy Sheridan-Gonzalez, RN -- President, NY State Nurses Association; Co-coordinator, NYRN Disaster Relief Work in Puerto Rico
The program will include a screening of the 7-minute Green New Deal video, "A Message from the Future."
There will be tabling by co-hosts.
Co-hosts (list in formation, please DM us if you would like to co-host!):
Sunrise NYC, South Bronx Unite, Friends of Brook Park, Bronx/Upper Manhattan DSA (Democratic Socialists of America), Food & Water Watch, 350NYC, Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, Earth Uprising, GreenFeen OrganiX, Green Education and Legal Fund, North Bronx Racial Justice, NY Communities for Change, Citizens' Climate Lobby, Beloved Earth Community of The Riverside Church
Free & Open to the Public
LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Truth and acknowledgment are critical to building mutual respect and connection across all barriers of heritage and difference. We begin this effort to acknowledge what has been buried by honoring the truth. In this region, we are standing on the ancestral lands of the Lenape People and the Wappinger People. We pay respect to their elders past and present. Please consider the many legacies of violence, displacement, migration, and settlement that underlie our daily lives. And please join us in uncovering such truths at all public events.
Save the Date: Oct 4th is the Laundry Workers Center 2019 Community Gala (Laundry Workers Center)
Bad bosses are a stain on the retail laundromat industry. From Bay Ridge to Harlem, Laundry Workers Center is organizing to clean our city of exploitation. Laundry workers are fighting back, and together with all of you we are building a movement.
Save the Date: October 4th!
Join us to celebrate a year of movement building. Let's honor each other for the work we have done and plant the seeds of support for another year in the struggle.
Laundry Workers Center Gala 2019
October 4th, 2019 -- 6-9 PM
Iglesia de Sion (St. Peter's Church)
619 Lexington Ave,
We are immigrants, we are women, we are leaders, and we are just getting started.
Laundry Workers Center's political philosophy is rooted in organizing workers and building their leadership skills and political power through a variety of worker-lead tools and tactics, including taking direct action at the workplace, serving as their own voice to media outlets, speaking out as member of this community, and acting as their own advocates at the negotiation table.
Laundry Workers Center
80 Broad St, Suite 613A
Manhattan, NY, 10004